
Does copy elision work with structured bindings


// one
auto [one, two] = std::array<SomeClass>{SomeClass{1}, SomeClass{2}};

// two
auto [one, two] = std::make_tuple(SomeClass{1}, SomeClass{2});

// three
struct Something { SomeClass one, two; };
auto [one, two] = Something{};    

我怀疑只有第三种情况允许复制省略,因为前两种情况将是 "decomposed" via std::get<> and std::tuple_size<> and std::get<> returns当参数是右值时的 xvalues


Does mandatory copy elision apply to decomposition via structured bindings? Which of the following cases does that apply to?


auto [one, two] = expr;


auto __tmp = expr;
some_type<0,E>& a = some_getter<0>(__tmp);
some_type<1,E>& b = some_getter<1>(__tmp);

其中 some_typesome_getter 取决于我们正在解构的类型(数组、类元组或具有所有 public 非静态数据成员的类型)。

auto __tmp = expr行强制复制省略,其他行none涉及复制。


auto [one, two] = std::make_tuple(Something{}, Something{});

那个expands into:

auto __tmp = std::make_tuple(Something{}, Something{}); // note that it is from
// std::make_tuple() itself that we get the two default constructor calls as well
// as the two copies.
using __E = std::remove_reference_t<decltype(__tmp)>; // std::tuple<Something, Something>

那么,由于 __Enot an array type but is tuple-like, we introduce variables via an unqualified call to get looked up in the associated namespace of __E. The initializer will be an xvalue and the types will be rvalue references:

std::tuple_element_t<0, __E>&& one = get<0>(std::move(__tmp));
std::tuple_element_t<1, __E>&& two = get<1>(std::move(__tmp));

请注意,虽然 onetwo 都是 __tmp 的右值引用,但 decltype(one)decltype(two)both yield Something 而不是 Something&&.


#include <iostream>
#include <array>
#include <tuple>
#include <typeinfo>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;

struct SomeClass
    int baz;

    SomeClass(int _b): baz(_b) {
        cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " = " << baz << endl;
    SomeClass(SomeClass&&) {
        cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << endl;
    SomeClass(const SomeClass&) {
        cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << endl;

template<typename T> void tell(T&& a)
    cout << "Tell: " << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " = " << a.baz << endl;

int main()
     // one
     cout << "= 1 =" << endl;
     auto [one, two] = std::array<SomeClass,2>{SomeClass{1}, SomeClass{2}};
     cout << "===" << endl;
     tell(one); tell(two);
     // two
     cout << endl << "= 2 =" << endl;
     auto [one2, two2] = std::make_tuple(SomeClass{1}, SomeClass{2});
     cout << "===" << endl;
     tell(one2); tell(two2);
     // three
     cout << endl << "= 3 =" << endl;
     struct Something { SomeClass one{1}, two{2}; };     
     auto [one3, two3] = Something{}; 
     cout << "===" << endl;
     tell(one3); tell(two3);

    return 0;


= 1 =
SomeClass::SomeClass(int) = 1
SomeClass::SomeClass(int) = 2
Tell: void tell(T&&) [with T = SomeClass&] = 1
Tell: void tell(T&&) [with T = SomeClass&] = 2

= 2 =
SomeClass::SomeClass(int) = 2
SomeClass::SomeClass(int) = 1
Tell: void tell(T&&) [with T = SomeClass&] = 0
Tell: void tell(T&&) [with T = SomeClass&] = 4199261

= 3 =
SomeClass::SomeClass(int) = 1
SomeClass::SomeClass(int) = 2
Tell: void tell(T&&) [with T = SomeClass&] = 1
Tell: void tell(T&&) [with T = SomeClass&] = 2



  • 绑定到数组
  • 绑定到类似元组的类型
  • 绑定到 public 数据成员

第二种情况(抱歉,我无法访问 C++17 pdf,所以 cppreference):

Each identifier becomes a variable whose type is "reference to std::tuple_element<i, E>::type": lvalue reference if its corresponding initializer is an lvalue, rvalue reference otherwise. The initializer for the i-th identifier is

  • e.get<i>(), if lookup for the identifier get in the scope of E by class member access lookup finds at least one declaration (of whatever kind)
  • Otherwise, get<i>(e), where get is looked up by argument-dependent lookup only, ignoring non-ADL lookup

示例的第一阶段和第二阶段实际上是绑定到类似元组的类型。 但是......在第二阶段我们用什么来初始化?构造元组的模板函数:

 std::make_tuple(SomeClass{1}, SomeClass{2});


 auto t = std::make_tuple(SomeClass{1}, SomeClass{2});
 auto [one2, two2] = t;


SomeClass::SomeClass(int) = 2
SomeClass::SomeClass(int) = 1
SomeClass::SomeClass(SomeClass&&)      //make_tuple
SomeClass::SomeClass(const SomeClass&) //assignment 
SomeClass::SomeClass(const SomeClass&)


 auto t = std::make_tuple(SomeClass{1}, SomeClass{2});
 auto& one2 = std::get<0>(t);
 auto& two2 = std::get<1>(t);


SomeClass::SomeClass(int) = 2
SomeClass::SomeClass(int) = 1

因此,发生的复制或移动操作来自构建我们的 tuple。 我们会避免这种情况,如果我们使用通用引用构造元组,那么两者都会脱糖

 auto t = std::tuple<SomeClass&&, SomeClass&&>(SomeClass{1}, SomeClass{2});
 auto& one2 = std::get<0>(t);
 auto& two2 = std::get<1>(t);


 auto [one2, two2] = std::tuple<SomeClass&&, SomeClass&&>(SomeClass{1}, SomeClass{2});
