使用 ruby 删除特定字符串(电子邮件地址)中的所有空格

removing all spaces within a specific string (email address) using ruby

用户可以输入文本,但我提取数据的方式通常包含不必要的回车 returns 和 spaces。


string = string.squeeze(" ").gsub(/([.?!]) */,'  ')

但在以下情况下,我在电子邮件中收到了意外的 space:

string = "Hey     what is \n\n\n up joeblow@dude.com      \n okay"


"Hey what is up joeblow@dude.  com okay"


"Hey what is up joeblow@dude.com okay"



 string.squeeze(" ") # replaces each squence of " " by one space
 gsub(/([.?!] */, ' ') # check if there is a space after every char in the between the brackets [.?!]
                         # and whether it finds one or more or none at all
                         # it adds another space, this is why the email address
                         # is splitted


string.gsub(/([.?!])\W/, ' ') # if there is a non word char after 
                                # those punctuation chars, just add a space

然后你只需要用一个 space 替换每个 space 字符序列。所以最后的解决方案是:

string.gsub(/([.?!])(?=\W)/, ' ').gsub(/\s+/, ' ')
# ([.?!]) => this will match the ., ?, or !. and capture it
# (?=\W) => this will match any non word char but will not capture it.
# so /([.?!])(?=\W)/ will find punctuation between parenthesis that
# are followed by a non word char (a space or new line, or even 
# puctuation for example).
# ' ' =>  is for the captured group (i.e. string that match the 
# group ([.?!]) which is a single char in this case.), so it will add 
# a space after the matched group.

如果您可以摆脱挤压语句,那么使用 Nafaa 的答案是最简单的方法,但我列出了另一种方法以防它有帮助:

string = string.split(" ").join(" ")

但是,如果你想保留那个 squeeze 语句,你可以修改 Nafaa 的方法并在 squeeze 语句之后使用它:

string.gsub(/\s+/, ' ').gsub('. com', '.com')


string.gsub('.  com', '.com')