我们可以使用 Base R 找到曲线下 95% 的面积吗?
Can we use Base R to find the 95% of the area under a curve?
使用 Base R,我想知道是否可以确定下面表示为 posterior
的曲线下的 95% 面积?
更具体地说,我想从 mode
(绿色虚线)向尾部移动,然后在覆盖 95% 的曲线区域时停止。所需的 x 轴值是这 95% 区域的限制,如下图所示?
prior = function(x) dbeta(x, 15.566, 7.051)
likelihood = function(x) dbinom(55, 100, x)
posterior = function(x) prior(x)*likelihood(x)
mode = optimize(posterior, interval = c(0, 1), maximum = TRUE, tol = 1e-12)[[1]]
curve(posterior, n = 1e4)
尽管 OP 的示例不是完全对称的,但它足够接近 - 并且从那里开始很有用,因为解决方案要简单得多。
您可以使用 integrate
和 optimize
# For a distribution with a single peak, find the symmetric!
# interval that contains probs probability. Search over 'range'.
f_quan <- function(fun, probs, range=c(0,1)){
mode <- optimize(fun, interval = range, maximum = TRUE, tol = 1e-12)[[1]]
total_area <- integrate(fun, range[1], range[2])[[1]]
O <- function(d){
parea <- integrate(fun, mode-d, mode+d)[[1]] / total_area
(probs - parea)^2
# Bounds for searching may need some adjustment depending on the problem!
o <- optimize(O, c(0,range[2]/2 - 1E-02))[[1]]
return(c(mode-o, mode+o))
f <- f_quan(posterior, 0.95)
curve(posterior, n = 1e4)
abline(v=f, col="blue", lwd=2, lty=3)
在非对称分布的情况下,我们必须搜索满足 P(a < x < b) = Prob 标准的两个点,其中 Prob 是某个期望的概率。由于有无限多个间隔 (a,b) 满足此条件,OP 建议找到最短的一个。
解决方案中重要的是 domain
的定义,我们要搜索的区域(我们不能使用 -Inf, Inf
# consider interval (a,b) on the x-axis
# integrate our function, normalize to total area, to
# get the total probability in the interval
prob_ab <- function(fun, a, b, domain){
totarea <- integrate(fun, domain[1], domain[2])[[1]]
integrate(fun, a, b)[[1]] / totarea
# now given a and the probability, invert to find b
invert_prob_ab <- function(fun, a, prob, domain){
O <- function(b, fun, a, prob){
(prob_ab(fun, a, b, domain=domain) - prob)^2
b <- optimize(O, c(a, domain[2]), a = a, fun=fun, prob=prob)$minimum
# now find the shortest interval by varying a
# Simplification: don't search past the mode, otherwise getting close
# to the right-hand side of domain will give serious trouble!
prob_int_shortest <- function(fun, prob, domain){
mode <- optimize(fun, interval = domain, maximum = TRUE, tol = 1e-12)[[1]]
# objective function to be minimized: the width of the interval
O <- function(a, fun, prob, domain){
b <- invert_prob_ab(fun, a, prob, domain)
b - a
# shortest interval that meets criterium
abest <- optimize(O, c(0,mode), fun=fun, prob=prob, domain=domain)$minimum
# now return the interval
b <- invert_prob_ab(fun, abest, prob, domain)
现在像这样使用上面的代码。我使用了一个非常不对称的函数(假设 mydist 实际上是一些复杂的 pdf,而不是 dgamma)。
mydist <- function(x)dgamma(x, shape=2)
curve(mydist(x), from=0, to=10)
abline(v=prob_int_shortest(mydist, 0.9, c(0,10)), lty=3, col="blue", lwd=2)
在此示例中,我将域设置为 (0,10),因为显然间隔必须在某处。请注意,使用像 (0, 1E05) 这样的非常大的值是行不通的,因为 integrate
这是一个利用 Trapezoidal rule 的解决方案。您会注意到@Remko 提供的解决方案要好得多,但是这个解决方案有望增加一些教学价值,因为它阐明了如何将复杂的问题简化为简单的几何、算术和基本编程结构,例如 for loops
findXVals <- function(lim, p) {
## (1/p) is the precision
## area of a trapezoid
trapez <- function(h1, h2, w) {(h1 + h2) * w / 2}
yVals <- posterior((1:(p - 1))/p)
m <- which.max(yVals)
nZ <- which(yVals > 1/p)
b <- m + 1
e <- m - 1
a <- f <- m
area <- 0
myRng <- 1:(length(nZ)-1)
totArea <- sum(trapez(yVals[nZ[myRng]], yVals[nZ[myRng+1]], 1/p))
targetArea <- totArea * lim
while (area < targetArea) {
area <- area + trapez(yVals[a], yVals[b], 1/p) + trapez(yVals[e], yVals[f], 1/p)
a <- b
b <- b + 1
f <- e
e <- e - 1
c((a - 1)/p, (f + 1)/p)
findXVals(.95, 10^5)
[1] 0.66375 0.48975
使用 Base R,我想知道是否可以确定下面表示为 posterior
的曲线下的 95% 面积?
更具体地说,我想从 mode
(绿色虚线)向尾部移动,然后在覆盖 95% 的曲线区域时停止。所需的 x 轴值是这 95% 区域的限制,如下图所示?
prior = function(x) dbeta(x, 15.566, 7.051)
likelihood = function(x) dbinom(55, 100, x)
posterior = function(x) prior(x)*likelihood(x)
mode = optimize(posterior, interval = c(0, 1), maximum = TRUE, tol = 1e-12)[[1]]
curve(posterior, n = 1e4)
尽管 OP 的示例不是完全对称的,但它足够接近 - 并且从那里开始很有用,因为解决方案要简单得多。
您可以使用 integrate
和 optimize
# For a distribution with a single peak, find the symmetric!
# interval that contains probs probability. Search over 'range'.
f_quan <- function(fun, probs, range=c(0,1)){
mode <- optimize(fun, interval = range, maximum = TRUE, tol = 1e-12)[[1]]
total_area <- integrate(fun, range[1], range[2])[[1]]
O <- function(d){
parea <- integrate(fun, mode-d, mode+d)[[1]] / total_area
(probs - parea)^2
# Bounds for searching may need some adjustment depending on the problem!
o <- optimize(O, c(0,range[2]/2 - 1E-02))[[1]]
return(c(mode-o, mode+o))
f <- f_quan(posterior, 0.95)
curve(posterior, n = 1e4)
abline(v=f, col="blue", lwd=2, lty=3)
在非对称分布的情况下,我们必须搜索满足 P(a < x < b) = Prob 标准的两个点,其中 Prob 是某个期望的概率。由于有无限多个间隔 (a,b) 满足此条件,OP 建议找到最短的一个。
解决方案中重要的是 domain
的定义,我们要搜索的区域(我们不能使用 -Inf, Inf
# consider interval (a,b) on the x-axis
# integrate our function, normalize to total area, to
# get the total probability in the interval
prob_ab <- function(fun, a, b, domain){
totarea <- integrate(fun, domain[1], domain[2])[[1]]
integrate(fun, a, b)[[1]] / totarea
# now given a and the probability, invert to find b
invert_prob_ab <- function(fun, a, prob, domain){
O <- function(b, fun, a, prob){
(prob_ab(fun, a, b, domain=domain) - prob)^2
b <- optimize(O, c(a, domain[2]), a = a, fun=fun, prob=prob)$minimum
# now find the shortest interval by varying a
# Simplification: don't search past the mode, otherwise getting close
# to the right-hand side of domain will give serious trouble!
prob_int_shortest <- function(fun, prob, domain){
mode <- optimize(fun, interval = domain, maximum = TRUE, tol = 1e-12)[[1]]
# objective function to be minimized: the width of the interval
O <- function(a, fun, prob, domain){
b <- invert_prob_ab(fun, a, prob, domain)
b - a
# shortest interval that meets criterium
abest <- optimize(O, c(0,mode), fun=fun, prob=prob, domain=domain)$minimum
# now return the interval
b <- invert_prob_ab(fun, abest, prob, domain)
现在像这样使用上面的代码。我使用了一个非常不对称的函数(假设 mydist 实际上是一些复杂的 pdf,而不是 dgamma)。
mydist <- function(x)dgamma(x, shape=2)
curve(mydist(x), from=0, to=10)
abline(v=prob_int_shortest(mydist, 0.9, c(0,10)), lty=3, col="blue", lwd=2)
在此示例中,我将域设置为 (0,10),因为显然间隔必须在某处。请注意,使用像 (0, 1E05) 这样的非常大的值是行不通的,因为 integrate
这是一个利用 Trapezoidal rule 的解决方案。您会注意到@Remko 提供的解决方案要好得多,但是这个解决方案有望增加一些教学价值,因为它阐明了如何将复杂的问题简化为简单的几何、算术和基本编程结构,例如 for loops
findXVals <- function(lim, p) {
## (1/p) is the precision
## area of a trapezoid
trapez <- function(h1, h2, w) {(h1 + h2) * w / 2}
yVals <- posterior((1:(p - 1))/p)
m <- which.max(yVals)
nZ <- which(yVals > 1/p)
b <- m + 1
e <- m - 1
a <- f <- m
area <- 0
myRng <- 1:(length(nZ)-1)
totArea <- sum(trapez(yVals[nZ[myRng]], yVals[nZ[myRng+1]], 1/p))
targetArea <- totArea * lim
while (area < targetArea) {
area <- area + trapez(yVals[a], yVals[b], 1/p) + trapez(yVals[e], yVals[f], 1/p)
a <- b
b <- b + 1
f <- e
e <- e - 1
c((a - 1)/p, (f + 1)/p)
findXVals(.95, 10^5)
[1] 0.66375 0.48975