在 SIC 汇编器输出中生成目标代码的困惑

confusion on generating object code in SIC assemblers output


RSUB is 4C0000, I understand RSUB is 4C Mnemonic, but where did 0000 came from?
EOF BYTE C'EOF'  Object code is 454F46, how did they get that?

INPUT BYTE X'F1'      F1
how did generate F1 in the object code?

STCH BUFFER, X        549039

BUFFER is 1039, and STCH in mnemonic is 54, but shouldn't it be 541039?

also after a few lines,

LDCH BUFFER, X       509039?


RSUB is 4C0000, I understand RSUB is 4C Mnemonic, but where did 0000 came from?

SIC 似乎使用 24 位字和固定长度的指令编码。由于这条指令显然没有操作数,因此是零。也许 cpu 会忽略地址字段,因此您可以使用您想要的任何内容,或者它可能必须为零。找不到明确的答案。

EOF BYTE C'EOF' Object code is 454F46, how did they get that?

454F46分别是EOF的ascii码。据推测,您的汇编器的 C 运算符指示它发出以下字符的 ascii 代码。

INPUT BYTE X'F1' F1 how did generate F1 in the object code?

大概你的汇编程序的 X 运算符意味着发出具有给定十六进制值的字节。

STCH BUFFER, X 549039 BUFFER is 1039, and STCH in mnemonic is 54, but shouldn't it be 541039?

地址仅为低15位。位 #15 用作指示索引寻址模式的标志,因此 1039 变为 9039.