Applescript 传输聚光灯评论和标签

Applescript to transfer spotlight comment and label

正在编写 Applescript 以获取文件夹列表,将它们压缩为 .zip 文件,并将 Spotlight 评论和标签从文件夹传输到新文件。

感谢 CRGreen 的建议。这是最终脚本。

on 运行 {输入,参数}

tell application "Finder"
    set theItems to selection
    repeat with i from 1 to (count of theItems)

        set theItem to (item i of theItems) as alias
        set itemPath to quoted form of POSIX path of theItem
        set theParent to POSIX path of (container of theItem as alias)
        set fileName to theParent & (name of theItem) & ".zip"

        set zipFile to quoted form of fileName
        do shell script "zip -jr " & zipFile & " " & itemPath
        do shell script "setfile -a E " & zipFile

        set newItem to POSIX file fileName as alias
        set comment of newItem to (get comment of theItem)
        set label index of newItem to (get label index of theItem)

        set oldFolder to quoted form of (theParent & name of theItem)
        do shell script "rm -rf " & oldFolder

    end repeat
end tell

return input


括号的魔力! (和别名强制):

set comment of ((POSIX file newItem) as alias) to theComment
set label index of ((POSIX file newItem) as alias) to theLabel