Team Explorer Everywhere 签入策略

Team Explorer Everywhere Check In Policy

TFS 2015 服务器是否维护两个单独的签入策略列表,这些策略是为团队项目强制执行的——一个用于 Visual Studio 客户端,另一个用于 Team Explorer Everywhere 客户端?这似乎是我看到的行为。

如果我通过 Visual Studio 查看团队项目的签入策略设置,我会看到配置了许多签入策略。如果我通过 Team Explorer Everywhere 查看同一团队项目的签入策略设置,我看不到任何签入策略。同样,如果我通过 Team Explorer Everywhere 为特定团队项目添加签入策略,如果我通过 Visual Studio.



Check-in policies that you define by using Team Explorer Everywhere only apply when you check in by using the Team Foundation Server plug-in for Eclipse or the Cross-platform Command-Line Client for Team Foundation Server.

If you use another client, such as Team Web Access or Team Explorer in Visual Studio, these policies do not apply. Similarly, policies that you define by using Team Web Access or Team Explorer in Visual Studio are not applied when you check in by using the Team Foundation Server plug-in for Eclipse or the Cross-platform Command-Line Client for Team Foundation Server.

更多详情请参考link:Configuring Check-in Policies (Team Explorer Everywhere)

您还可以通过 visual studio:


Visual Studio 2017 : Check-in policies in Visual Studio 2017 must be set through Team Explorer, tf.exe, or through registry keys declared in the pkgdef of a Visual Studio extension. Policies only apply a single installation of Visual Studio 2017 on your computer. If you have mulitple installations of Visual Studio 2017, you'll need to set the check-in policy on each installation.

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