Compose Scylladb SSL 证书在哪里?

Where is the Compose Scylladb SSL certificate?

我正在尝试使用在管理的撰写概述部分为我提供的连接字符串连接到我的 scylladb 1.7.4 实例 UI:

$ cqlsh --ssl 19228 -u scylla -p XXXX --cqlversion=3.3.1


Validation is enabled; SSL transport factory requires a valid certfile to be specified. Please provide path to the certfile in [ssl] section as 'certfile' option in /Users/snowch/.cassandra/cqlshrc (or use [certfiles] section) or set SSL_CERTFILE environment variable

我在哪里可以访问 Compose SSL 证书以便我可以连接:

$ SSL_CERTFILE=/path/to/scylla_certfile cqlsh --ssl 19228 -u scylla -p XXXX --cqlversion=3.3.1

我在 documentation 中看到了选项 SSL_VALIDATE=false 但是,我不想禁用 SSL 验证。



我的困惑是因为我遇到了问题而被 ssl (#2) 的信息所吸引,因此我跳过了 cqlsh 的完整配置部分 (#1):

Cqlsh Command Line

The Cqlsh Command Line panel contains three cqlsh commands, each of which connect to the three Compose portals. Full details on obtaining cqlsh and configuring it are available in Scylla and cqlsh. (#1)

The displayed command include required flags (--ssl and --cqlversion). If the command is preceded by setting the environment variable SSL_VALIDATE=false, then no further configuration is needed. (#2)


Cqlsh Command Line

The Cqlsh Command Line panel contains three cqlsh commands, each of which connect to the three Compose portals.

The displayed command include required flags (--ssl and --cqlversion). If the command is preceded by setting the environment variable SSL_VALIDATE=false, then no further configuration is needed.

Full details on obtaining cqlsh and configuring it are available in Scylla and cqlsh. This section includes information on configuring cqlsh to use ssl.