仅当收件人的服务器支持 SMTP TLS 时,如何通过 AWS SES 发送电子邮件?

How do I send an email via AWS SES only if the recipient's server supports SMTP TLS?

我正在使用 AWS JavaScript SDK 通过 SES 发送电子邮件。现在我想发送需要加密发送的数据。我怎样才能做到这一点?

仅当收件人服务器支持 TLS 时,您才能强制传递通过 SES 发送的出站电子邮件。

Amazon SES sends messages over a TLS-protected connection (TLS version 1.0 only) by default. This method, called opportunistic TLS, means that when Amazon SES establishes an SMTP connection with a receiving mail server, Amazon SES upgrades the connection using the STARTTLS protocol if the receiving mail server supports TLS. If the receiving server does not advertise STARTTLS or if TLS negotiation fails, the connection proceeds in plaintext.
