从主页删除别名(MODX Revolution)

Remove alias from home page (MODX Revolution)

目前我在 MODX Revolution 的网站上有 https://roto.com.ua/ua/index。我的好友 URL'S 也有设置。 我还有 2 个上下文(乌克兰语、俄语),有人可以帮我从我的网页根页面中删除 /index 别名吗?

我假设你正在使用 Babel extra,对吧?如果没有,请查看基于该视频的俄语 here. If you do, as I recall, in such a case you have to choose 1 context which will open the default language version of your site on your-site.com (lets say it is in Russian). The added language context will be available on your-site.com/ua/. If you get index in the URL you are doing something wrong. Check this video by Menno Pietersen on how to enable several language contexts for a modx site using Babel extra. If you are not comfortable with watching in English, check this guide