合并到next分支时如何基于branch master解决补丁冲突

How to resolve conflicting patches based on branch master when merged to branch next

试图从建立在集成分支 mastermaintnext 之上的手册页 gitworkflows(7) 中掌握 Git 工作流pu。我不明白如何解决可能出现的合并冲突,例如当维护者试图将来自不同贡献者的补丁合并到分支 next 时,如果这些补丁基于分支 master 和维护者到目前为止,他们中有 none 位晋升为 master


这实际上在手册页本身的第 Merge workflow 部分末尾得到了回答:

Occasionally, the maintainer may get merge conflicts when he tries to pull changes from downstream. In this case, he can ask downstream to do the merge and resolve the conflicts themselves (perhaps they will know better how to resolve them). It is one of the rare cases where downstream should merge from upstream.
