Matlab 等效于 Maple 密度图

Matlab equivalent of Maple densityplot


在 Maple 中,可以使用 densityplot 函数来实现这一点(最后的代码),它给出:

但是,我不确定在 MATLAB 中使用什么来绘制类似的图形。

这是我当前的 MATLAB 代码:

x = [0:10:100];
y = [-50:10:50];
s = [10, 0];
i = [50,25];
for ii = 1 : length(x)
    sir(ii) = -10 * 9.8 * log10((power((x(ii) - s(1)),2) + power((y(ii) - s(2)),2)) / (power((x(ii) - i(1)),2) + power((y(ii) - i(2)),2)));  

有人可以推荐 MATLAB 中的等效项吗?

对于 Maple 中的密度图,我使用了

densityplot(sir(x,y), x=0..100, y=-50..50, axes=boxed, style=patchnogrid, scaletorange=-5..50, colorscheme = [black, "green", "white"])

您可以使用 surf(3D 曲面图)来实现此目的,但您需要比步长 10 更精细的网格才能看起来不错!

此外,您还需要 meshgrid 来获取 xy 坐标的所有组合。


% Set up grid points
x = 0:0.1:100;
y = -50:0.1:50;
[x,y] = meshgrid(x,y);
% Set up parameters i, s and g
i = [50 25]; s = [10 0]; g = 9.8;
% Work out density  
% - no need for loop if we use element-wise operations ./ and .^
% - power(z,2) replaced by z.^2 (same function, more concise)
% - You forgot the sqare roots in your question's code, included using .^(1/2)
% - line continuation with "...", could remove and have on one line
sir = -10*g*log10( ((x-s(1)).^2 + (y-s(2)).^2).^(1/2) ./ ...
                   ((x-i(1)).^2 + (y-i(2)).^2).^(1/2)        ); 
% Plot, and set to a view from above
% Change the colour scheme



您使用了 Maple 命令 scaletorange=-5..50。这限制了 -550 (docs) 之间的比例,所以由于 sir 是我们的比例变量,我们应该限制它相同。在 MATLAB 中:

% Restrict sir to the range [-5,50]
sir = min(max(sir,-5),50);
% Of course we now have to replot

现在,如果您想要 black/green 颜色,您可以使用自定义 colormap,这也可以消除仅由 'bone' colormap 引起的条纹有64种颜色。

% Define the three colours to interpolate between, and n interpolation points
black = [0 0 0]; green = [0 1 0]; white = [1 1 1]; 
n = 1000; 
% Do colour interpolation, equivalent to Maple's 'colorscheme = [black, "green", "white"]'
% We need an nx3 matrix of colours (columns R,G,B), which we get using interp1
colormap(interp1(1:3, [black; green; white], linspace(1,3,n)));

使用 g=3.5(不确定您使用的是什么),我们得到几乎相同的图