使 html 上无法访问 $scope 的服务

Service making the $scope not accessible on the html

无法访问范围,例如将 {{ pagec }} 放在 html 上不起作用,但是当我从控制器中删除 blogpostservice 时它再次正常工作。

var app = angular.module('Blog', []);

app.factory('blogpostservice', ['$http', function ($http) {
    this.getMoreData = function (pagecount) {
        return $http.get('/api/posts/' + pagecount);

app.controller('MainController', ['$scope', 'blogpostservice',
    function ($scope, blogpostservice) {

        $scope.pagec = 1;
        $scope.posts = [];
        this.getMoreData = function (posts) {
            blogpostservice.getMoreData(pagec).success(function () {
                alert('got it successfully!!!'); 
            }).error(function () {
                alert('something went wrong!!!');


因为你有错误的 factory 实现,factory 应该总是 return 和 object。您一定是控制台出错了(请检查)。

app.factory('blogpostservice', ['$http', 
  function ($http) {
    function getMoreData (pagecount) {
        return $http.get('/api/posts/' + pagecount);
    return {
       getMoreData: getMoreData

或者您可以将 factory 转换为 service,您需要像之前那样将数据绑定到 this(上下文)。

app.service('blogpostservice', ['$http', function ($http) {
    this.getMoreData = function (pagecount) {
        return $http.get('/api/posts/' + pagecount);

Also don't use .success/.error on $http call, they are deprecated. Instead use .then.