C++ 将值添加到堆栈下标需要数组或指针类型和警告

C++ add value into stack subscript requires array or pointer type and warning

我是 C++ 编程新手。也是实现堆栈的新手。我的 objective 正在使用模板堆栈创建 RPN 计算器。无法使用内置堆栈 classes.


Error   C2109   subscript requires array or pointer type
Warning C4244   'return': conversion from 'double' to 'int', possible loss of data

这是我的堆栈 class:

#define STACK_MAX 500

template<class T>
class RPNCalculator
    //Insanciating stack class
    T data[STACK_MAX];
    int size;

    //stack<T> rpnstack;

    RPNCalculator() {
        size = 0;


    int Top() {

        if (size == 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Error: stack empty\n");
            return -1;
        return data[size - 1];

    void push(T data); // pushes a new operand onto the stack
                          // the following operations are to be performed as defined for Reverse Polish Notation
                          // binary operators:
    T value();    // returns the topmost value
    void pop();     // returns the topmost value and pops it off the top

    double add();
    double subtract();
    double multiply();
    double divide();
    // unary operators:
    double square(); // squares the current value
    double negate(); // negates, i.e. 3 becomes -3
    bool isEmpty(); // tests to see if there are elements on the stack
    void clear(); // clears out the stack


template<class T>
inline bool RPNCalculator<T>::isEmpty()
    bool status;

    if (!top)
        status = true;
        status = false;

    return status;

template<class T>
 void RPNCalculator<T>::clear()


 template<class T>
 inline RPNCalculator<T>::~RPNCalculator()

 template<class T>
 inline void RPNCalculator<T>::push(T data)
     if (size < STACK_MAX)
         data[size++] = data;
         fprintf(stderr, "Error: stack full\n");


 template<class T>
inline T RPNCalculator<T>::value()
    return T();

template<class T>
 inline void RPNCalculator<T>::pop()
     if (size == 0)
         fprintf(stderr, "Error: stack empty\n");


    #include <iostream>
#include "RPNCalculator.h"
#include <string>
#include <sstream>

using namespace std;

bool isOperator(const string& input);
void performOperation(const string& st, RPNCalculator<double>& rpnstack);

int main() {
    cout << "Welcome to the RPN Calculator by AbdulFatai Saliu __D00168401" << endl;
    cout << "Enter c to clear \n"
         << "s to square \n"
         << "n to negate \n"
         << "p to pop current value \n"
         << "q to quit \n"

    RPNCalculator<double> rnpstack;

    string input;
    while (true) {

        //Dispaly prompt
        cout << ">> ";

        //get user input
        cin >> input;

        //check for numeric values
        double numereric;
        if (istringstream(input) >> numereric) {

        else if (isOperator(input)) {

        else if (input == "q") {
            return 0;
        else {
            cout << "Input Not Valid" << endl;
        //check for operators 

        //check for exit 

        // display invalid value message


    //return 0;

bool isOperator(const string& input) {
    string operators[] = { "-","+","*","/"};

    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
        if (input == operators[i]) {
            return true;

    return false;

void performOperation(const string& input, RPNCalculator<double>& rpnstack) {
    double firstValue, secondValue, result;

    firstValue = rpnstack.Top();
    secondValue = rpnstack.Top();

    if (input == "-") {
        result = secondValue - firstValue;
    else if (input == "+") {
        result = secondValue + firstValue;
    else if (input == "*") {
        result = secondValue * firstValue;
    else if (input == "/") {
        result = secondValue / firstValue;

    cout << result << endl;



问题似乎出在我在 RPNCalculator 模板 class 中的 push() 方法 class。

看起来您有函数 void push(T data); 的参数,其中参数与 class 成员同名(data,您的存储)。尝试更改不会产生此冲突的函数实现中的参数名称。如果你真的想使用那个名字,你也可以具体说明你想使用哪个data


 template<class T>
 inline void RPNCalculator<T>::push(T arg)
     if (size < STACK_MAX)
         data[size++] = arg;
         fprintf(stderr, "Error: stack full\n");



 template<class T>
 inline void RPNCalculator<T>::push(T data)
     if (size < STACK_MAX)
         this->data[size++] = data; // this->data is the member, data is the function local variable
         fprintf(stderr, "Error: stack full\n");


这通常可以通过以不会发生冲突的方式命名成员变量来避免。一种方法是在您的成员前面加上 m_,其中 data 将变为 m_data。随意使用您想要的任何代码风格,但我建议尽可能避免冲突(和第二种方法)。