反向 ttk.Progressbar()

Reverse ttk.Progressbar()

想知道如何将 ttk.Progressbar() 填充到最大值(用户指定的任何数字)并以指定的增量减少条形图。因此,采用 100% 填充条(例如用户指定 100 作为最大值)并每 15 秒减少 25%。这是我得到的:

#import module for update frequency and gui. ttk for progressbar
import threading,ttk
from Tkinter import *

#establishs counter for testing purposes
counter = 0

#establish window
root = Tk()

def main():
    #user inputs health
    health = float(input("Enter health:"))

    #user inputs how much damage each bullet does
    dps = float(input("Enter Damage per shot:"))

    #user inputs the fire rate of the weapon
    spm = float(input("Enter Fire Rate:"))

    #from user inputs establish how many shots it takes to reduce health to or below zero

    if ((health / dps).is_integer()) is False: #checks if the stk value will be a float

        stk = int(health / dps) + 1 #since stk value is a float go up to next whole number. 33dps doesn't kill in 3 shots.

    else: #if stk value is an integer, establishes stk variable

        stk = health / dps

    delay_in_seconds = float(60 / spm)

    #establishes the time to kill in seconds, take one from stk to account for delay of gunfire
    ttki = ((stk - 1) * delay_in_seconds)

    # establish progressbar
    progre = ttk.Progressbar(root, orient='horizontal', maximum=health, mode='determinate')

    # test on how to test for frequency of updating GUI once I figure out how in the heck to build it
    def DPS_Timer():
        global counter
        print counter
        if counter != (stk-1):
            counter += 1
            root.after(int(ttki*1000/stk), DPS_Timer)

    # establish GUI Button
    B1 = Button(root, text='start', command=DPS_Timer).pack(fill=X)




# establish progressbar
progre = ttk.Progressbar(root, orient='horizontal', maximum=health, mode='determinate')

# test on how to test for frequency of updating GUI once I figure out how in the heck to build it
def DPS_Timer():
    global counter
    print counter
    if counter != (stk-1):
        counter += 1
        root.after(int(ttki*1000/stk), DPS_Timer)

# establish GUI Button
B1 = Button(root, text='start', command=DPS_Timer).pack(fill=X)

说 "Hey ttk.Progressbar(), depict the bar at 100% / the maximum value of health and I need you to reduce it at this step value at this rate." 这也可能提供一些它没有提供给我的见解:http://infohost.nmt.edu/tcc/help/pubs/tkinter/web/ttk-Progressbar.html and https://docs.python.org/2/library/ttk.html#index-0

原始代码已修改为基于 GUI,所以这是我的新代码,它有一个问题,即 ttk.Progressbar() 在选择开始按钮之前用已经丢失的块进行初始化。 Just to specify, when the start button is selected it needs to be held off for the delay period before even the first chunk is removed.

#import module for update frequency and gui. ttk for progressbar
import ttk
from Tkinter import *

#establish window
root = Tk()
E1 = Entry(root)
E2 = Entry(root)
E3 = Entry(root)
global health, dps, spm, ttki, stk, delay_in_seconds, progre, counter

def captcha_health():
    global health, dps, spm, ttki, stk, delay_in_seconds, progre, counter
        health = float(E1.get())
    except ValueError:

def captcha_dps():
    global health, dps, spm, ttki, stk, delay_in_seconds, progre, counter
        dps = float(E2.get())
    except ValueError:

def captcha_spm():
    global health, dps, spm, ttki, stk, delay_in_seconds, progre, counter
        spm = float(E3.get())
    except ValueError:

def Entry2():
    global health, dps, spm, ttki, stk, delay_in_seconds, progre, counter
    # user inputs how much damage each bullet does
    DB = Button(root, text='enter damage/shot', command=captcha_dps).grid()

def Entry3():
    global health, dps, spm, ttki, stk, delay_in_seconds, progre, counter
    # user inputs the fire rate of the weapon
    SB = Button(root, text='enter fire rate', command=captcha_spm).grid()

def estvar():
    global health, dps, spm, ttki, stk, delay_in_seconds, progre, counter
    # establishs counter for testing purposes
    counter = 0
    # from user inputs establish how many shots it takes to reduce health to or below zero
    if ((health / dps).is_integer()) is False:  # checks if the stk value will be a float
        stk = int(
        health / dps) + 1  # since stk value is a float go up to next whole number. 33dps doesn't kill in 3 shots.
    else:  # if stk value is an integer, establishes stk variable
        stk = health / dps

    delay_in_seconds = float(60 / spm)

    # establishes the time to kill in seconds, take one from stk to account for delay of gunfire
    ttki = ((stk - 1) * delay_in_seconds)

def DPS_Timer():
    global health, dps, spm, ttki, stk, delay_in_seconds, progre, counter
    counter += 1
    if counter < stk:
        root.after(int(ttki*1000/stk), DPS_Timer)

def guiest():
    global health, dps, spm, ttki, stk, delay_in_seconds, progre, counter
    # establish GUI Button
    ttkLabel = Label(root, text='Time to kill: ' + str(ttki)).grid(sticky=W)
    stkLabel = Label(root, text='Shots to kill: ' + str(stk)).grid(sticky=W)
    hhLabel = Label(root, text='Health: ' + str(health)).grid(sticky=W)
    dpsLabel = Label(root, text='Damage/shot: ' + str(dps)).grid(sticky=W)
    spmLabel = Label(root, text='Fire rate: ' + str(spm)).grid(sticky=W)
    delayLabel = Label(root, text='Delay between shots: ' + str(delay_in_seconds)).grid(sticky=W)
    B1 = Button(root, text='start', command=DPS_Timer).grid(sticky='we')
    # establish progressbar
    progre = ttk.Progressbar(root, orient='horizontal', maximum=health, mode='determinate')

#user inputs health
HB = Button(root, text='enter health value', command=captcha_health).grid()


为了将健康栏设置为 100%,我们可以使用

progre.step(health - 1)

DPS_Timer() 函数的正上方。从那里开始,除了步长值之外,您的功能大部分都是正确的。我们希望步长为负,因为我们正在降低健康栏的价值。此外,除非我们在某个时候使用 .start(),否则 .stop() 是无用的,因此我们可以完全删除该代码块。一旦 counter 等于 stk,无论如何都不会调用 root.after(),所以我们不需要 else 语句。这是给我们的:

def DPS_Timer():
    global counter

    if counter < stk:
        counter += 1
        root.after(int(ttki*1000/stk), DPS_Timer)

此外,您的 progre.step() 实际上并没有消除 dps 给予的伤害量。我们可以用

progre.step(health - 1)

def DPS_Timer():
    global counter

    counter += 1
    if counter < stk:
        root.after(int(ttki*100/stk), DPS_Timer)

(我移动了 if 语句所以 DPS_Timer 不会被称为额外时间)