Javascript 对象获取父方法的this

Javascript Object to get this of parent method

myObj下面的add方法中,我怎样才能得到this里面的地图?换句话说,this 当包装到 map 时,指向 map 中的那个 anonymous 函数。我怎样才能到达那里 this

Note: Workarounds like creating a new variable temp_sumand adding and returning are not preferred. Because, I might have to do some tests inside them using the this keyword.

var myObj = {

    sum        : 0,
    toAdd      : [2,3,4],
    add        : function(){{
           this.sum += num //<-- How to get this.sum from here           

       return this.sum;



var m = Object.create(myObj);
var _sum = m.add();
document.getElementById("test").innerHTML = _sum;

你可以使用 bind

var myObj = {

    sum        : 0,
    toAdd      : [2,3,4],
    add        : function(){, index){
           this.sum += num;

       return this.sum;


var myObj = {

    sum        : 0,
    toAdd      : [2,3,4],
    add        : function(){
        this.sum = this.toAdd.reduce(function(a,b){
           return a + b;

        return this.sum;


var myObj = {

    sum        : 0,
    toAdd      : [2,3,4],
    add        : function(){
        for (var i=0; i<this.toAdd.length; i++) {
            this.sum += this.toAdd[i];

        return this.sum;
}; 方法接受可选参数:要用作 this 的对象值。所以你的代码将变得如此简单:

add: function () { (num) {
        this.sum += num;      
    }, this);
    return this.sum;