如何向 CloudKit 中的现有记录添加字段

How to add fields to existing records in CloudKit

我有一个功能可以将用户名输入 CloudKit 中的新记录名称(如下所示),但是我还需要将用户 'score' 添加到同一条记录中。

有没有办法通过引用其唯一的 'recordName' 值来插入另一个字段 "usersScore"?

func insertName(nameEntry: String) -> CKRecordID {

    // Connects to the user database table.
    let userTable = CKRecord(recordType: "User")

    // Connects the Database to the public container.
    let publicData = CKContainer.default().publicCloudDatabase

    // Adds the users entry into the "name" field.
    userTable["name"] = nameEntry as NSString

    // If the record has saved or an error has occurred.
    publicData.save(userTable) { (record, error) in
        if let saveError = error {
            print("An error occurred in \(saveError)")
        }else {
            // Success.
            print("Saved Record!")
    // RecordName (ID) of the current user.
    recordNameID = userTable.recordID
    return recordNameID!

要输入多条记录最好使用CKModifyRecordsOperation。 这是我的做法...

func insertItems(nameEntry: String)  {

    // Creates a record name based on name passed into function.
    let userNamesID = CKRecordID(recordName: "\(nameEntry)")

    // Inserts name into the User table.
    let userName = CKRecord.init(recordType: "User", recordID: userNamesID)

    // Adds the users entry into the "name" field along with score and the amount of questions answered.
    userName["Name"] = nameEntry as CKRecordValue
    userName["Score"] = questionsCorr as CKRecordValue
    userName["Questions_Answered"] = questionsAns as CKRecordValue

    // Insert all records into the database.
    publicDatabase.add(CKModifyRecordsOperation.init(recordsToSave: [userName], recordIDsToDelete: nil))
