在 Haskell 中找到骑士之旅的一种解决方案
Finding one solution to Knight's Tour in Haskell
我正在尝试解决Haskell中的Knight's Open Tour,并提出一个解决方案来生成所有可能的解决方案:
knightsTour :: Int -> [[(Int, Int)]]
knightsTour size = go 1 [(1, 1)]
maxSteps = size^2
isValid (x, y) = x >= 1 && x <= size && y >= 1 && y <= size
go :: Int -> [(Int, Int)] -> [[(Int, Int)]]
go count acc | count == maxSteps = return $ reverse acc
go count acc = do
next <- nextSteps (head acc)
guard $ isValid next && next `notElem` acc
go (count + 1) (next : acc)
fs = replicateM 2 [(*1), (*(-1))]
nextSteps :: (Int, Int) -> [(Int, Int)]
nextSteps (x, y) = do
(x', y') <- [(1, 2), (2, 1)]
[f, f'] <- fs
return (x + f x', y + f' y')
然而,当用8×8的棋盘测试时,上述功能并没有停止,这是因为解决方案space大得离谱(19,591,828,170,979,904根据1打开不同的游览) .所以我只想找到一个解决方案。首先,我试过:
-- First try
head (knightsTour 8)
-- second try
import Data.List (find)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
knightsTour' :: Int -> [(Int, Int)]
knightsTour' size = go 1 [(1, 1)]
maxSteps = size^2
isValid (x, y) = x >= 1 && x <= size && y >= 1 && y <= size
go :: Int -> [(Int, Int)] -> [(Int, Int)]
go count acc | count == maxSteps = reverse acc
go count acc =
nextSteps' = [step | step <- nextSteps (head acc), isValid step && step `notElem` acc]
fromMaybe [] (find (not . null) $ fmap (\step -> go (count+1) (step:acc)) nextSteps')
fs = replicateM 2 [(*1), (*(-1))]
nextSteps :: (Int, Int) -> [(Int, Int)]
nextSteps (x, y) = do
(x', y') <- [(1, 2), (2, 1)]
[f, f'] <- fs
return (x + f x', y + f' y')
- 为什么惰性求值不能像我预期的那样只产生第一个找到的解?在我看来,在这两种尝试中,只需要第一种解决方案。
- 如何更改上面的代码以仅生成第一个解决方案?
这也是个坏消息:找到第一个解决方案确实需要这么长时间。我认为您大大低估了需要遇到多少 "dead ends" 才能产生解决方案。
例如,这是使用 Debug.Trace
import Control.Monad
import Debug.Trace (trace)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
knightsTour :: Int -> [[(Int, Int)]]
knightsTour size = go 1 [(1, 1)]
maxSteps = size * size
isValid (x, y) = x >= 1 && x <= size && y >= 1 && y <= size
go :: Int -> [(Int, Int)] -> [[(Int, Int)]]
go count acc | count == maxSteps = return $ reverse acc
go count acc = do
let nextPossible' = [ next |
next <- nextSteps (head acc)
, isValid next && next `notElem` acc]
nextPossible = if null nextPossible'
then trace ("dead end; count: " ++ show count) []
else nextPossible'
next <- nextPossible
-- guard $ isValid next && next `notElem` acc
go (count + 1) (next : acc)
fs = replicateM 2 [(*1), (*(-1))]
nextSteps :: (Int, Int) -> [(Int, Int)]
nextSteps (x, y) = do
(x', y') <- [(1, 2), (2, 1)]
[f, f'] <- fs
return (x + f x', y + f' y')
main :: IO ()
main = do
[n] <- getArgs
print (head $ knightsTour (read n))
/tmp$ ghc -o kntest -O2 kntest.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( kntest.hs, kntest.o )
Linking kntest ...
/tmp$ ./kntest 5 2>&1 | wc
27366 109461 547424
/tmp$ ./kntest 6 2>&1 | wc
783759 3135033 15675378
/tmp$ ./kntest 7 2>&1 | wc
818066 3272261 16361596
好的,所以我们在 5 的棋盘上遇到了 27,365 个死角,在 7 的棋盘上遇到了超过 80 万个死角。对于 8 的棋盘,我将其重定向到一个文件:
/tmp$ ./kntest 8 2> kn8.deadends.txt
还是运行。至此,它遇到了超过 3800 万个死胡同:
/tmp$ wc -l kn8.deadends.txt
38178728 kn8.deadends.txt
/tmp$ wc -l kn8.deadends.txt ; fgrep 'count: 61' kn8.deadends.txt | wc -l ; fgrep 'count: 62' kn8.deadends.txt | wc -l; fgrep 'count: 63' kn8.deadends.txt | wc -l ; wc -l kn8.deadends.txt
52759655 kn8.deadends.txt
64656651 kn8.deadends.txt
所以它现在已经超过 6400 万个死胡同,而且它仍然没有找到超过 61 步的死胡同。
现在是 8500 万,如果我花太长时间来写剩下的内容,到我完成这个答案时可能会超过 1 亿。
您可能会做一些事情来加快您的程序(例如使用向量来跟踪已经访问过的点而不是 O(n) notElem
编辑:如果你添加一个非常简单、幼稚的 Warnsdorf's rule 实现,那么即使对于非常大的 (40x40) 板,你也几乎可以立即获得第一个骑士之旅:
import Control.Monad
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Data.List (sort)
knightsTour :: Int -> [[(Int, Int)]]
knightsTour size = go 1 [(1, 1)]
maxSteps = size * size
isValid (x, y) = x >= 1 && x <= size && y >= 1 && y <= size
getValidFor from acc = do
next <- nextSteps from
guard $ isValid next && next `notElem` acc
return next
go :: Int -> [(Int, Int)] -> [[(Int, Int)]]
go count acc | count == maxSteps = return $ reverse acc
go count acc = do
let allPoss = getValidFor (head acc) acc
sortedPossible = map snd $ sort $
map (\x -> (length $ getValidFor x acc, x))
next <- sortedPossible
go (count + 1) (next : acc)
fs = replicateM 2 [(*1), (*(-1))]
nextSteps :: (Int, Int) -> [(Int, Int)]
nextSteps (x, y) = do
(x', y') <- [(1, 2), (2, 1)]
[f, f'] <- fs
return (x + f x', y + f' y')
main :: IO ()
main = do
[n] <- getArgs
print (head $ knightsTour (read n))
我正在尝试解决Haskell中的Knight's Open Tour,并提出一个解决方案来生成所有可能的解决方案:
knightsTour :: Int -> [[(Int, Int)]]
knightsTour size = go 1 [(1, 1)]
maxSteps = size^2
isValid (x, y) = x >= 1 && x <= size && y >= 1 && y <= size
go :: Int -> [(Int, Int)] -> [[(Int, Int)]]
go count acc | count == maxSteps = return $ reverse acc
go count acc = do
next <- nextSteps (head acc)
guard $ isValid next && next `notElem` acc
go (count + 1) (next : acc)
fs = replicateM 2 [(*1), (*(-1))]
nextSteps :: (Int, Int) -> [(Int, Int)]
nextSteps (x, y) = do
(x', y') <- [(1, 2), (2, 1)]
[f, f'] <- fs
return (x + f x', y + f' y')
然而,当用8×8的棋盘测试时,上述功能并没有停止,这是因为解决方案space大得离谱(19,591,828,170,979,904根据1打开不同的游览) .所以我只想找到一个解决方案。首先,我试过:
-- First try
head (knightsTour 8)
希望Haskell懒惰的评价能挽救局面。但这并没有发生,解决方案仍然永远运行。 然后,我试了:
-- second try
import Data.List (find)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
knightsTour' :: Int -> [(Int, Int)]
knightsTour' size = go 1 [(1, 1)]
maxSteps = size^2
isValid (x, y) = x >= 1 && x <= size && y >= 1 && y <= size
go :: Int -> [(Int, Int)] -> [(Int, Int)]
go count acc | count == maxSteps = reverse acc
go count acc =
nextSteps' = [step | step <- nextSteps (head acc), isValid step && step `notElem` acc]
fromMaybe [] (find (not . null) $ fmap (\step -> go (count+1) (step:acc)) nextSteps')
fs = replicateM 2 [(*1), (*(-1))]
nextSteps :: (Int, Int) -> [(Int, Int)]
nextSteps (x, y) = do
(x', y') <- [(1, 2), (2, 1)]
[f, f'] <- fs
return (x + f x', y + f' y')
但是上面的解决方案仍然无法交付,因为它仍然会永远运行。 我的问题是:
- 为什么惰性求值不能像我预期的那样只产生第一个找到的解?在我看来,在这两种尝试中,只需要第一种解决方案。
- 如何更改上面的代码以仅生成第一个解决方案?
这也是个坏消息:找到第一个解决方案确实需要这么长时间。我认为您大大低估了需要遇到多少 "dead ends" 才能产生解决方案。
例如,这是使用 Debug.Trace
import Control.Monad
import Debug.Trace (trace)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
knightsTour :: Int -> [[(Int, Int)]]
knightsTour size = go 1 [(1, 1)]
maxSteps = size * size
isValid (x, y) = x >= 1 && x <= size && y >= 1 && y <= size
go :: Int -> [(Int, Int)] -> [[(Int, Int)]]
go count acc | count == maxSteps = return $ reverse acc
go count acc = do
let nextPossible' = [ next |
next <- nextSteps (head acc)
, isValid next && next `notElem` acc]
nextPossible = if null nextPossible'
then trace ("dead end; count: " ++ show count) []
else nextPossible'
next <- nextPossible
-- guard $ isValid next && next `notElem` acc
go (count + 1) (next : acc)
fs = replicateM 2 [(*1), (*(-1))]
nextSteps :: (Int, Int) -> [(Int, Int)]
nextSteps (x, y) = do
(x', y') <- [(1, 2), (2, 1)]
[f, f'] <- fs
return (x + f x', y + f' y')
main :: IO ()
main = do
[n] <- getArgs
print (head $ knightsTour (read n))
/tmp$ ghc -o kntest -O2 kntest.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( kntest.hs, kntest.o )
Linking kntest ...
/tmp$ ./kntest 5 2>&1 | wc
27366 109461 547424
/tmp$ ./kntest 6 2>&1 | wc
783759 3135033 15675378
/tmp$ ./kntest 7 2>&1 | wc
818066 3272261 16361596
好的,所以我们在 5 的棋盘上遇到了 27,365 个死角,在 7 的棋盘上遇到了超过 80 万个死角。对于 8 的棋盘,我将其重定向到一个文件:
/tmp$ ./kntest 8 2> kn8.deadends.txt
还是运行。至此,它遇到了超过 3800 万个死胡同:
/tmp$ wc -l kn8.deadends.txt
38178728 kn8.deadends.txt
/tmp$ wc -l kn8.deadends.txt ; fgrep 'count: 61' kn8.deadends.txt | wc -l ; fgrep 'count: 62' kn8.deadends.txt | wc -l; fgrep 'count: 63' kn8.deadends.txt | wc -l ; wc -l kn8.deadends.txt
52759655 kn8.deadends.txt
64656651 kn8.deadends.txt
所以它现在已经超过 6400 万个死胡同,而且它仍然没有找到超过 61 步的死胡同。
现在是 8500 万,如果我花太长时间来写剩下的内容,到我完成这个答案时可能会超过 1 亿。
您可能会做一些事情来加快您的程序(例如使用向量来跟踪已经访问过的点而不是 O(n) notElem
编辑:如果你添加一个非常简单、幼稚的 Warnsdorf's rule 实现,那么即使对于非常大的 (40x40) 板,你也几乎可以立即获得第一个骑士之旅:
import Control.Monad
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Data.List (sort)
knightsTour :: Int -> [[(Int, Int)]]
knightsTour size = go 1 [(1, 1)]
maxSteps = size * size
isValid (x, y) = x >= 1 && x <= size && y >= 1 && y <= size
getValidFor from acc = do
next <- nextSteps from
guard $ isValid next && next `notElem` acc
return next
go :: Int -> [(Int, Int)] -> [[(Int, Int)]]
go count acc | count == maxSteps = return $ reverse acc
go count acc = do
let allPoss = getValidFor (head acc) acc
sortedPossible = map snd $ sort $
map (\x -> (length $ getValidFor x acc, x))
next <- sortedPossible
go (count + 1) (next : acc)
fs = replicateM 2 [(*1), (*(-1))]
nextSteps :: (Int, Int) -> [(Int, Int)]
nextSteps (x, y) = do
(x', y') <- [(1, 2), (2, 1)]
[f, f'] <- fs
return (x + f x', y + f' y')
main :: IO ()
main = do
[n] <- getArgs
print (head $ knightsTour (read n))