Ajax.ActionLink 和 Ajax.BeginForm 使用 MVC 局部视图

Ajax.ActionLink and Ajax.BeginForm with MVC Partial view

又来这么早伤心 我正在 mvc4 中实现基于选项卡的局部视图。我有 3 个选项卡,显示 3 个单独的局部视图,这些视图使用 Ajax.ActionLink 进行更改。每个部分视图都是需要发布到同一控制器内不同操作的表单。 ActionLinks 工作正常{部分视图得到显示和更改}。我已经使用 Ajax.BeginForm 提交个人表格,以防止完全回发。在表单提交上,操作被调用并实施,但 我的挑战 ,我需要显示当前表单但表单已清除,当前表单内容保留 - 即重定向到相同的 Partialview 下面是我的代码

项目的 ProjectIndex 操作 Controller.cs

        public PartialViewResult Projectindex(Project collection, int ProjId)
            //Save collection to DB.            

            return PartialView("_Project");


@model MyProject.Models.Project

<script src="~/Scripts/jquery.validate.unobtrusive.min.js"></script>

@using (Ajax.BeginForm("Projectindex", new { ProjId = "3" }, new AjaxOptions

    HttpMethod = "POST",
      OnBegin = "myonbegin",
    OnSuccess = "myonsuccess",
    OnComplete = "myoncomplete",
    OnFailure = "myonfailure",
    LoadingElementId = "loader" // div with .gif loader - that is shown when data are loading

{   @Html.AntiForgeryToken()


        <div class="editor-label">
            @Html.EditorFor(model => model.ProjName)

            <input type="submit" value="Create" />

Project.cshtml 主视图

"Project",            //Link Text
"ProjectIndex",       //Public Method inside our Controller
new AjaxOptions
    HttpMethod = "GET",     //Do a HTTP Post
    InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace,  //Replace content
    UpdateTargetId = "TabBody",    //Target element ID

<div id="TabBody">

唯一的挑战是表单没有被清除,给我的印象是视图没有呈现。我尝试添加 OnSuccess 和 OnFailure 选项,但是 none 被解雇了。有人可以指点我吗在正确的方向。提前致谢


public PartialViewResult Projectindex(Project collection, int ProjId)
    //Save collection to DB.            
    var model = new Project();
    return PartialView("_Project", model);

添加了 ModelState.Clear(),我认为这就是真正需要的。

Forces the html helpers use your changed model. Otherwise they use the values from the form submit