如何检查 Clojure 规范的可解析性?

How to check the resolvability of Clojure specs?

clojure.spec.alpha 允许在定义新规格时使用不可解析的规格:

(s/def :foo/bar (s/or :nope :foo/foo))


(s/valid? :foo/bar 42)
;; Exception Unable to resolve spec: :foo/foo  clojure.spec.alpha/reg-resolve! (alpha.clj:69)

当我打错字如 :my-ns/my-spec 而不是 ::my-ns/my-spec 时,我的代码中就会出现这种情况。我想抓住那些有单元测试的人。

潜入 clojure.spec.alpha source code 我发现我可以用 (keys (s/registry)) 获得所有规格所以我的测试看起来像这样:

(ns my-ns.spec-test
  (:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
            [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
            ;; :require all the relevant namespaces to populate the
            ;; global spec registry.

(deftest resolvable-specs
  (doseq [spec (keys (s/registry))]
    (is (resolvable? spec))))
    ;;   ^^^^^^^^^^^ placeholder; that’s the function I want

遗憾的是clojure.spec.alpha中没有s/resolvable?这样的东西。到目前为止我找到的唯一解决方案是调用 (s/valid? spec 42) 并假设它没有引发异常意味着它是可解析的但它不检查所有分支:

(s/def :int/int int?)
(s/def :bool/bool bool?)

(s/def :my/spec (s/or :int :int/int
                      :other (s/or :bool bool/bool
                                   :nope :idont/exist)))

(s/valid? :my/spec 1) ; <- matches the :int branch
;; => true

(s/valid? :my/spec :foo)
;; Exception Unable to resolve spec: :idont/exist  clojure.spec.alpha/reg-resolve! (alpha.clj:69)

我检查了异常堆栈跟踪以及源代码,看看是否可以找到任何函数来完全解析规范,而无需使用上面的 42:foo 之类的测试值,但不能'找不到。



(ns my-ns.utils
  (:require [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]))

(defn- unresolvable-spec
    (do (s/describe spec) nil)
    (catch Exception e
      (if-let [[_ ns* name*] (re-matches #"Unable to resolve spec: :([^/]+)/(.+)$" (.getMessage e))]
        (keyword ns* name*)
        (throw e)))))

(defn unresolvable?
  "Test if a spec is unresolvable, and if so return a sequence
   of the unresolvable specs it refers to."
    (symbol? spec)

    (keyword? spec)
      (if-let [unresolvable (unresolvable-spec spec)]
        (not-empty (distinct (unresolvable? (s/describe spec)))))

    (seq? spec)
      (case (first spec)
        or (->> spec (take-nth 2) rest (mapcat unresolvable?))
        and (->> spec rest (mapcat unresolvable?))

        ;; undecidable

    :default (unresolvable-spec spec)))

(def resolvable? (complement unresolvable?))

它适用于 s/ands/or,这是我的最小用例:

(u/resolvable? :int/int) ;; => true
(u/resolvable? :my/spec) ;; => false
(u/unresolvable? :my/spec) ;; => (:idont/exist)


  • 它重新发明了轮子;我认为那些 spec-walking 函数已经存在于 clojure.spec.alpha
  • 中的某处
  • 它依赖于捕获异常然后解析其消息,因为 (1) clojure.spec.alpha 没有不引发异常的函数,并且 (2) 引发异常的函数没有使用比 Exception
  • 更具体的内容
