如何在将引导 EC2 添加到 ELB 之前等待 cfn 信号
how to wait for cfn-signal before adding a booting EC2 to the ELB
我的问题是关于在将启动 EC2 添加到 ELB 之前等待 cfn-signal
(如果可能,使用 cloudformation)。
现在,ELB 开始使用实例而不等待它准备好,最糟糕的是,如果我只在 "boot" 结束时启动 apache 服务,它不会等待宽限期并在之前删除实例初始化完成
这是我的 AutoScalingGroup conf:
"webServerASG": {
"Type": "AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup",
"CreationPolicy": {
"ResourceSignal": {
"Timeout": "PT10M",
"Count": { "Ref": "WebServerDesiredCapacity" }
"UpdatePolicy" : {
"AutoScalingReplacingUpdate" : {
"WillReplace" : true
"AutoScalingRollingUpdate" : {
"MaxBatchSize" : 1,
"MinInstancesInService" : 1,
"MinSuccessfulInstancesPercent" : 75,
"SuspendProcesses" : [ "AlarmNotification", "ScheduledActions", "AZRebalance", "ReplaceUnhealthy", "HealthCheck", "Launch" ],
"WaitOnResourceSignals": true,
"PauseTime" : "PT10M"
"Properties": {
"AvailabilityZones": [...],
"Cooldown": "60",
"HealthCheckGracePeriod": "560",
"HealthCheckType": "ELB",
"MaxSize": { "Ref": "WebServerMaxCapacity" },
"MinSize": "1",
"DesiredCapacity": { "Ref": "WebServerDesiredCapacity" },
"VPCZoneIdentifier": [...],
"NotificationConfigurations": [...],
"LaunchConfigurationName": { "Ref": "webServer01LC" },
"LoadBalancerNames": [ { "Ref": "webServerLoadBalancerELB" } ],
"MetricsCollection": [...],
"TerminationPolicies": [
使用 LoadBalancer 的配置:
"webServerLoadBalancerELB": {
"Type": "AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer",
"Properties": {
"Subnets": [...],
"HealthCheck": {
"HealthyThreshold": "10",
"Interval": "30",
"Target": "HTTP:80/aws/healthcheck.php",
"Timeout": "5",
"UnhealthyThreshold": "2"
"ConnectionDrainingPolicy": {
"Enabled": "true",
"Timeout": "300"
"ConnectionSettings": {
"IdleTimeout": "60"
"CrossZone": "true",
"SecurityGroups": [...],
"Listeners": [
"LoadBalancerPort": "80",
"Protocol": "HTTP",
"InstancePort": "80",
"InstanceProtocol": "HTTP"
"webServer01LC": {
"Type": "AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration",
"Properties": {
"AssociatePublicIpAddress": false,
"ImageId": {...},
"InstanceType": "t2.small",
"KeyName": {...},
"IamInstanceProfile": "EC2WebServerRole",
"SecurityGroups": [...],
"BlockDeviceMappings": [...],
"UserData" : { "Fn::Base64" : { "Fn::Join" : ["", [
"echo '\n### pip install cloud-init : ' | tee --append /var/log//userData.log \n",
"pip install https://s3.amazonaws.com/cloudformation-examples/aws-cfn-bootstrap-latest.tar.gz 2>> /var/log//userData.log\n",
"ln -s /usr/local/init/ubuntu/cfn-hup /etc/init.d/cfn-hup >> /var/log//userData.log>&1\n",
"echo '\n### execute the AWS::CloudFormation::Init defined in the Metadata' | tee --append /var/log//userData.log \n",
"cfn-init -v",
" --region ", { "Ref" : "AWS::Region" },
" --stack ", { "Ref" : "AWS::StackName" },
" --resource lciTophubWebServer01LC ",
" \n",
"cfn-signal --exit-code $? --region ", { "Ref" : "AWS::Region" }, " --stack ", { "Ref" : "AWS::StackName" }, " --resource asgiTophubWebServerASG \n",
"echo '\n### end of the script!' | tee --append /var/log//userData.log \n"
"Metadata": {...}
ELB 状态检查 运行 没有暂停,因此在宽限期内,测试 运行ning。
宽限期结束后,自动缩放组立即查看当前 ELB 状态检查。
在我的例子中,我有 "HealthyThreshold": "10"
和 "Interval": "30"
,所以 ELB 需要 10*30=300 秒。改变主意(如果我不幸运的话,甚至是 329.99)而且与 HealthCheckGracePeriod
相比它太长了 560
(560 - 329.99 = 230.01 秒。离开完成开始) .
我通过在 2
传递 HealthyThreshold
来缩短这个 "become healthy again" 延迟:
560 - 99.99 = 460.01 秒。剩下开始了。
我的问题是关于在将启动 EC2 添加到 ELB 之前等待 cfn-signal
(如果可能,使用 cloudformation)。
现在,ELB 开始使用实例而不等待它准备好,最糟糕的是,如果我只在 "boot" 结束时启动 apache 服务,它不会等待宽限期并在之前删除实例初始化完成
这是我的 AutoScalingGroup conf:
"webServerASG": {
"Type": "AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup",
"CreationPolicy": {
"ResourceSignal": {
"Timeout": "PT10M",
"Count": { "Ref": "WebServerDesiredCapacity" }
"UpdatePolicy" : {
"AutoScalingReplacingUpdate" : {
"WillReplace" : true
"AutoScalingRollingUpdate" : {
"MaxBatchSize" : 1,
"MinInstancesInService" : 1,
"MinSuccessfulInstancesPercent" : 75,
"SuspendProcesses" : [ "AlarmNotification", "ScheduledActions", "AZRebalance", "ReplaceUnhealthy", "HealthCheck", "Launch" ],
"WaitOnResourceSignals": true,
"PauseTime" : "PT10M"
"Properties": {
"AvailabilityZones": [...],
"Cooldown": "60",
"HealthCheckGracePeriod": "560",
"HealthCheckType": "ELB",
"MaxSize": { "Ref": "WebServerMaxCapacity" },
"MinSize": "1",
"DesiredCapacity": { "Ref": "WebServerDesiredCapacity" },
"VPCZoneIdentifier": [...],
"NotificationConfigurations": [...],
"LaunchConfigurationName": { "Ref": "webServer01LC" },
"LoadBalancerNames": [ { "Ref": "webServerLoadBalancerELB" } ],
"MetricsCollection": [...],
"TerminationPolicies": [
使用 LoadBalancer 的配置:
"webServerLoadBalancerELB": {
"Type": "AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer",
"Properties": {
"Subnets": [...],
"HealthCheck": {
"HealthyThreshold": "10",
"Interval": "30",
"Target": "HTTP:80/aws/healthcheck.php",
"Timeout": "5",
"UnhealthyThreshold": "2"
"ConnectionDrainingPolicy": {
"Enabled": "true",
"Timeout": "300"
"ConnectionSettings": {
"IdleTimeout": "60"
"CrossZone": "true",
"SecurityGroups": [...],
"Listeners": [
"LoadBalancerPort": "80",
"Protocol": "HTTP",
"InstancePort": "80",
"InstanceProtocol": "HTTP"
"webServer01LC": {
"Type": "AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration",
"Properties": {
"AssociatePublicIpAddress": false,
"ImageId": {...},
"InstanceType": "t2.small",
"KeyName": {...},
"IamInstanceProfile": "EC2WebServerRole",
"SecurityGroups": [...],
"BlockDeviceMappings": [...],
"UserData" : { "Fn::Base64" : { "Fn::Join" : ["", [
"echo '\n### pip install cloud-init : ' | tee --append /var/log//userData.log \n",
"pip install https://s3.amazonaws.com/cloudformation-examples/aws-cfn-bootstrap-latest.tar.gz 2>> /var/log//userData.log\n",
"ln -s /usr/local/init/ubuntu/cfn-hup /etc/init.d/cfn-hup >> /var/log//userData.log>&1\n",
"echo '\n### execute the AWS::CloudFormation::Init defined in the Metadata' | tee --append /var/log//userData.log \n",
"cfn-init -v",
" --region ", { "Ref" : "AWS::Region" },
" --stack ", { "Ref" : "AWS::StackName" },
" --resource lciTophubWebServer01LC ",
" \n",
"cfn-signal --exit-code $? --region ", { "Ref" : "AWS::Region" }, " --stack ", { "Ref" : "AWS::StackName" }, " --resource asgiTophubWebServerASG \n",
"echo '\n### end of the script!' | tee --append /var/log//userData.log \n"
"Metadata": {...}
我发现了我的问题: ELB 状态检查 运行 没有暂停,因此在宽限期内,测试 运行ning。 宽限期结束后,自动缩放组立即查看当前 ELB 状态检查。
在我的例子中,我有 "HealthyThreshold": "10"
和 "Interval": "30"
,所以 ELB 需要 10*30=300 秒。改变主意(如果我不幸运的话,甚至是 329.99)而且与 HealthCheckGracePeriod
相比它太长了 560
(560 - 329.99 = 230.01 秒。离开完成开始) .
我通过在 2
传递 HealthyThreshold
来缩短这个 "become healthy again" 延迟:
560 - 99.99 = 460.01 秒。剩下开始了。