LC-3 程序正在返回无法打印的内容

LC-3 Program is returning something that cannot be printed


似乎一切正常,但我总是得到不正确或不存在的结果。例如,如果我输入 1、2、3,然后输入 0,它应该说:

Zero entered, ending program. The largest integer entered was 3



抱歉,格式可能有点不稳定,如果您需要更多信息或者我做错了什么(就 post 而言 - 我知道我的代码有误)请让我知道。

提前致谢! (另外,我在代码底部有一个示例输出。)

    .ORIG   x3000

    AND     R0,R0,#0        ;clear R0
    AND     R0,R0,#0        ;clear R1
    LEA         R0, MSG1        ;load address of message 1
    PUTS                    ;display message

    GETC                    ;read in character from keyboard
    OUT                 ;echo input
    ST      R0, NUM1        ;store the number in num1
    LD      R2, NUM1
    LD      R1, POS48
    ADD     R2,R2, R1       ;adds 48 to make the character a number
    BRz     ZERO            ;checks if the number is zero

    LD      R0, NEWLINE     ;load newline
    OUT                 ;execute newline

    LOOP    LEA         R0, MSG1        ;load address of message 1
    PUTS                    ;display message

    GETC                    ;read in character from keyboard
    OUT                 ;echo input
    ST      R0, NUM2        ;store character in num2
    LD      R2, POS48
    LD      R3, NUM2
    ADD     R0, R3, R2      ;adds 48 to make the character a number
    BRz     ZERO            ;checks if the number is zero

    LD      R0, NEWLINE     ;load newline
    OUT                 ;execute newline

    LD      R1, NUM1        ;load the first number
    LD      R2, NUM2        ;load the second number
    NOT     R2, R2          ;two's complement of R2
    ADD     R2, R2, #1      ;getting negative of num 2
    ADD     R0, R1, R2      ;adding the two values
    ST      R0, MAX         ;storing larger number in NUM5

    BRnz        LOOP            ;Branch if R0 is positive

    ZERO    LEA     R0, MSG2        ;load message if number entred is zero
    PUTS                    ;display message
    LD      R0, NEWLINE     ;load newline
    OUT                 ;execute newline
    LEA     R0, MSG3        ;load largest int message
    PUTS                    ;display

    LD      R2, MAX
    LD      R1, POS48
    ADD     R1, R2, R1      ;adds 48 to make the character a number
    LD      R0, MAX         ;load largest int
    OUT                 ;display largest int
    HALT                    ;end program

    ;*** Data ***
    MSG1        .STRINGZ    "Enter a single-digit integer: "
    MSG2        .STRINGZ    "Zero entered, ending program."
    MSG3        .STRINGZ    "The largest integer is: "
    POS48       .FILL       #48
    NEWLINE     .FILL       #10
    NUM1        .BLKW       1
    NUM2        .BLKW       1
    MAX         .BLKW       1


示例输出 - 输入一位整数:1 输入一位整数:2 输入一位整数:3 输入一位整数:0 输入零,结束程序。

调试您的程序后,我在您的代码中发现了两个逻辑错误。第一个是当您尝试在整数值和 ascii 值之间进行转换时。第二种是当您比较两个数字以查找哪个更大时。我已经重新创建了您程序的工作版本并对其进行了非常详尽的评论,因此应该很容易理解。

第一个问题是您的 ascii 整数转换代码。您试图使用等于 48 的 POS48 将 ascii 数字转换为整数值;但是,为了从 ascii 转换为整数,您必须减去 48,或者在汇编的情况下添加 -48。然后要从整数值转换回 ascii 值,您需要添加正数 48。


NEG48   .FILL    xFFD0    ;create constant NEG48 which = xFFD0 = -48
LD      R6, NEG48         ;load NEG48 into register 6
GETC                      ;get user input
ADD     R0, R0, R6        ;add -48 to the user input to get integer value

第二个问题是代码比较两个整数值以找出哪个更大。在您的代码中,您得到了两个值的补码,得到了第二个值的负数,然后将它加到第一个值上。这是正确的,只是您需要使用 BRn 和 BRp 来评估结果是阳性还是阴性。如果该值为正数,则表示第一个数较大,如果为负数,则表示第二个数较大。 BRn为负则分支,BRp为正则分支

例如,以下代码会将用户先前在程序中输入的新数字与用户输入的当前最大值进行比较,然后将较大的值保存到 CURRENTMAX 变量中:

LD  R3, NEWNUM      ;load NEWNUM
NOT R4, R3          ;two's complement of NEWNUM
ADD R4, R4, #1      ;getting negative of NEWNUM
ADD R1, R4, R2      ;adding the negative of NEWNUM to CURRENTMAX
BRn LrgR3           ;if the result in R1 is negative NEWNUM is larger so branch to LrgR3
BRp LrgR2           ;if the result in R1 is positive CURRENTMAX is larger so branch to LrgR2

;**************** LrgR3 ****************
LrgR3               ;begin LrgR3
ST  R3, CURRENTMAX  ;store the larger result in CURRENTMAX
BR  LOOP            ;branch to LOOP

;**************** LrgR2 ****************
LrgR2               ;begin LrgR2
ST  R2, CURRENTMAX  ;store the larger result in CURRENTMAX
BR  LOOP            ;branch to LOOP


.ORIG   x3000

;**************** POLL INITIAL USER INPUT ****************
LD  R5, POS48       ;load num to char conversion value
LD  R6, NEG48       ;load char to num conversion value

LEA R0, MSG1        ;load MSG1
PUTS                ;display MSG1
GETC                ;get user input
OUT                 ;display users input

ADD R0, R0, R6      ;convert input char into a number value
ST  R0, CURRENTMAX  ;store numer value into MAX since the only number entered is obviously the MAX value entered
BRz ZERO            ;if zero branch to ZERO

LD  R0, NEWLINE     ;load newline
OUT                 ;display newline

;**************** LOOP ****************
LOOP                ;begin LOOP
LEA R0, MSG1        ;load MSG1
PUTS                ;display MSG1
GETC                ;get under input
OUT                 ;display user input

ADD R0, R0, R6      ;convert user input char into a number value
ST  R0, NEWNUM      ;store number value into NEWNUM
BRz ZERO            ;if zero branch to ZERO

LD  R0, NEWLINE     ;load newline
OUT                 ;display newline

LD  R3, NEWNUM      ;load NEWNUM
NOT R4, R3          ;two's complement of NEWNUM
ADD R4, R4, #1      ;getting negative of NEWNUM
ADD R1, R4, R2      ;adding the negative of NEWNUM to CURRENTMAX
BRn LrgR3           ;if the result in R1 is negative NEWNUM is larger so branch to LrgR3
BRp LrgR2           ;if the result in R1 is positive CURRENTMAX is larger so branch to LrgR2

;**************** LrgR3 ****************
LrgR3               ;begin LrgR3
ST  R3, CURRENTMAX  ;store the larger result in CURRENTMAX
BR  LOOP            ;branch to LOOP

;**************** LrgR2 ****************
LrgR2               ;begin LrgR2
ST  R2, CURRENTMAX  ;store the larger result in CURRENTMAX
BR  LOOP            ;branch to LOOP

;**************** ZERO ****************
ZERO                ;begin ZERO
LD  R0, NEWLINE     ;load newline
OUT                 ;display newline
LEA R0, MSG2        ;load MSG2
PUTS                ;display MSG2
LD  R0, NEWLINE     ;load newline
OUT                 ;display newline
LEA R0, MSG3        ;load MSG3
PUTS                ;display MSG3

ADD R0, R0, R5      ;convert CURRENTMAX num into char
OUT                 ;display CURRENTMAX's char value
HALT                ;end program

;**************** Variables and Constants ****************
MSG1        .STRINGZ    "Enter a single-digit integer: "
MSG2        .STRINGZ    "Zero entered, ending program."
MSG3        .STRINGZ    "The largest integer is: "
POS48       .FILL       x30
NEG48       .FILL       xFFD0
NEWLINE     .FILL       #10
NEWNUM      .BLKW       1