neo4j 不能使用 spatial.withinDistance 但 afaik 插件文件夹中的正确库 (mac os x)

neo4j cannot use spatial.withinDistance but afaik right libraries in plugins folder (mac os x)

将以下 jar 文件放入插件文件夹(应用程序和数据库)后,我重新启动了我的服务器



尝试使用 withinDistance

There is no procedure with the name `spatial.withinDistance` registered for this database instance. Please ensure you've spelled the procedure name correctly and that the procedure is properly deployed.

我的 Neo4j 版本是 3.2.2,与 windows 上的版本相同,它与数据库插件文件夹中的相同 jar 一起工作得很好。

(虽然我的其他代码我是 运行 Spark 和 neo4j 不能在 windows 上工作,只是在 mac 上工作,计算机是一个过时的时尚。smh)

调用 dbms.procedures() 结果:

│"name"                         │"signature"                                                                                                           │"description"                                                                             │
│"db.awaitIndex"                │"db.awaitIndex(index :: STRING?, timeOutSeconds = 300 :: INTEGER?) :: VOID"                                           │"Wait for an index to come online (for example: CALL db.awaitIndex(\":Person(name)\"))."  │
│"db.constraints"               │"db.constraints() :: (description :: STRING?)"                                                                        │"List all constraints in the database."                                                   │
│"db.createLabel"               │"db.createLabel(newLabel :: STRING?) :: VOID"                                                                         │"Create a label"                                                                          │
│"db.createProperty"            │"db.createProperty(newProperty :: STRING?) :: VOID"                                                                   │"Create a Property"                                                                       │
│"db.createRelationshipType"    │"db.createRelationshipType(newRelationshipType :: STRING?) :: VOID"                                                   │"Create a RelationshipType"                                                               │
│"db.indexes"                   │"db.indexes() :: (description :: STRING?, state :: STRING?, type :: STRING?)"                                         │"List all indexes in the database."                                                       │
│"db.labels"                    │"db.labels() :: (label :: STRING?)"                                                                                   │"List all labels in the database."                                                        │
│"db.propertyKeys"              │"db.propertyKeys() :: (propertyKey :: STRING?)"                                                                       │"List all property keys in the database."                                                 │
│"db.relationshipTypes"         │"db.relationshipTypes() :: (relationshipType :: STRING?)"                                                             │"List all relationship types in the database."                                            │
│"db.resampleIndex"             │"db.resampleIndex(index :: STRING?) :: VOID"                                                                          │"Schedule resampling of an index (for example: CALL db.resampleIndex(\":Person(name)\"))."│
│"db.resampleOutdatedIndexes"   │"db.resampleOutdatedIndexes() :: VOID"                                                                                │"Schedule resampling of all outdated indexes."                                            │
│"db.schema"                    │"db.schema() :: (nodes :: LIST? OF NODE?, relationships :: LIST? OF RELATIONSHIP?)"                                   │"Show the schema of the data."                                                            │
│"dbms.changePassword"          │"dbms.changePassword(password :: STRING?) :: VOID"                                                                    │"Change the current user's password. Deprecated by"         │
│"dbms.components"              │"dbms.components() :: (name :: STRING?, versions :: LIST? OF STRING?, edition :: STRING?)"                            │"List DBMS components and their versions."                                                │
│"dbms.functions"               │"dbms.functions() :: (name :: STRING?, signature :: STRING?, description :: STRING?)"                                 │"List all user functions in the DBMS."                                                    │
│"dbms.listConfig"              │"dbms.listConfig(searchString =  :: STRING?) :: (name :: STRING?, description :: STRING?, value :: STRING?)"          │"List the currently active config of Neo4j."                                              │
│"dbms.procedures"              │"dbms.procedures() :: (name :: STRING?, signature :: STRING?, description :: STRING?)"                                │"List all procedures in the DBMS."                                                        │
│"dbms.queryJmx"                │"dbms.queryJmx(query :: STRING?) :: (name :: STRING?, description :: STRING?, attributes :: MAP?)"                    │"Query JMX management data by domain and name. For instance, \"org.neo4j:*\""             │
│"" │" :: STRING?) :: VOID"                                                           │"Change the current user's password."                                                     │
│""     │" :: STRING?, password :: STRING?, requirePasswordChange = true :: BOOLEAN?) :: VOID"│"Create a new user."                                                                      │
│""     │" :: STRING?) :: VOID"                                                               │"Delete the specified user."                                                              │
│""      │" :: (username :: STRING?, flags :: LIST? OF STRING?)"                                       │"List all local users."                                                                   │
│""│" :: (username :: STRING?, flags :: LIST? OF STRING?)"                                 │"Show the current user. Deprecated by dbms.showCurrentUser."                              │
│"dbms.showCurrentUser"         │"dbms.showCurrentUser() :: (username :: STRING?, flags :: LIST? OF STRING?)"                                          │"Show the current user."                                                                  │


CALL dbms.procedures()