numba.vectorize ufunc 不支持 timedelta64

numba.vectorize ufunc does not support timedelta64

带有 NumPy ufunc 的示例代码:

import numpy as np

nums = np.array([1, 2, 3])
times = nums.astype('timedelta64[ns]')

np.less(nums, 2)
np.less(nums, np.timedelta64(2))


array([ True, False, False], dtype=bool)

现在我想用 Numba 做一些类似的事情:

import numba

def myless(a, b):
    return a < b

myless(nums, 2)
myless(times, np.timedelta64(2)) # fails


TypeError: ufunc 'myless' not supported for the input types, and the inputs could not be safely coerced to any supported types according to the casting rule ''safe''


我在 Numba 0.17 发行说明中找到了提示(现在已经是很旧的版本):

Issue #917: Allow vectorizing with datetime64 and timedelta64 in the signature (only with unit-less values, though, because of a Numpy limitation).

导致这个 comment:

it seems numpy won't less us call ufuncs with non-unitless datetimes and timedeltas, so we're cooked [...]

所以显然你不能在 nopython 模式下将 Numba 矢量化 ufunc 与 NumPy timedelta64 一起使用,除非 timedelta64 没有指定单位(在我的示例中,数组类型具有 [ns] 纳秒,甚至将单位添加到标量没有帮助)。


In [80]: i8 = np.dtype('int64')

In [81]: myless(times.view(i8), np.timedelta64(2).view(i8))
Out[81]: array([ True, False, False], dtype=bool)