让 coefplot 使用估计标题或结果标签

Getting coefplot to use estimate titles or outcome labels

考虑以下使用 community-contributed Stata 命令的玩具示例 coefplot:

sysuse auto

reg weight i.foreign
eststo, title("Weight"): margins, eydx(foreign) post

reg price i.foreign
eststo, title("Price"): margins, eydx(foreign) post

coefplot est1 est2, horizontal

是否可以在图例中获取标题(甚至变量标签),而不是估计名称(即 WeightPrice 而不是 est1est2)?


使用 estimates store 而不是 eststo 就可以了:

sysuse auto

reg weight i.foreign
margins, eydx(foreign) post
estimates store weight

reg price i.foreign
margins, eydx(foreign) post
estimates store price

coefplot weight price, horizontal

类似地,使用 listfor 循环:

local list_of_names weight price

foreach item of local list_of_names {
    reg `item' i.foreign
    margins, eydx(foreign) post
    estimates store `item'      

coefplot `list_of_names', horizontal

你当然可以使用两个不同的 lists 作为变量名和 'labels'.