Azure 服务总线分区:当分区队列的分区被完全消耗时会发生什么?

Azure service bus partitioning : What happens when partition of partitioned queue is fully consumed?


但是当该片段已满时会发生什么,该片段中没有更多 space 剩余。服务总线是否给出 error/message 被丢弃或任何其他片段将用于存储该消息?


Considerations and guidelines

If any of the fragments experience high traffic or the underlying store is unhealthy, those operations fail and availability is reduced.

由于Messaging quotas关于Queue/topic大小的陈述如下:

Type: Defined upon creation of the queue/topic

Value: 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 GB. If partitioning is enabled, the maximum queue/topic size is 80 GB.

Behavior when exceeded: Incoming messages will be rejected and an exception will be received by the calling code.

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