JSON 补丁和 "aggregate" DTO

JSON Patch and "aggregate" DTOs


假设以下情况 UserDetails 是一个聚合 DTO(不确定术语是否正确,请教我,但基本上是从不同 stores/services 收集的信息的模型),它被一个RESTful 网络服务。它不一定与它收集在一起的对象具有相同的 属性 名称。

public class UserDetails
    public int UserId { get;set; }
    public string GivenName { get; set; }
    public string Surname { get; set; }
    public int? UserGroupId { get;set; } // FK in a different database


public class User
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string GivenName { get; set; }
    public string Surname { get; set; }

public class UserGroup
    public int UserId { get; set; }
    public int GroupId { get; set; }

这样填充 UserDetails 对象:

User user = _userService.GetUser(userId) ?? throw new Exception();
UserGroup userGroup = _userGroupService.GetUserGroup(user.Id);

UserDetails userDetails = new UserDetails {
    UserId = user.Id,
    GivenName = user.GivenName,
    Surname = user.Surname,
    UserGroupId = userGroup?.GroupId


UserDetails 对象用于 GET 和 PUT,这里的逻辑非常简单,但是为 PATCH 请求发送了此对象的 JSON 补丁文档。这显然要复杂得多。

我们如何着手更改用户组?我想到的最好的('best' 被非常松散地使用)是这样的:

int userId;
JsonPatchDocument<UserDetails> patch;

// This likely works fine, because the properties in `UserDetails`
// are named the same as those in `User`
IEnumerable<string> userPaths = new List<string> {"/givenName", "/surname"};
if (patch.Operations.Any(x => userPaths.Contains(x.path))) {
    User user = _userService.GetUserByUserId(userId);
    _userService.SetUser(userId, user);

// Do specialised stuff for UserGroup
// Can't do ApplyTo() because `UserDetails.UserGroupId` is not named the same as `UserGroup.GroupId`
IEnumerable<Operation<UserDetails>> groupOps = patch.Operations.Where(x => x.path == "/userGroupId");
foreach (Operation<UserDetails> op in groupOps)
    switch (op.OperationType)
        case OperationType.Add:
        case OperationType.Replace:
            _groupService.SetOrUpdateUserGroup(userId, (int?)(op.value));

        case OperationType.Remove:


不请求更改 Microsoft.AspNetCore.JsonPatch API,类似

JsonPatchDocument<UserDetails> tmpPatch = new JsonPatchDocument<UserDetails>();
tmpPatch.Add(x => x.GivenName, String.Empty);
tmpPatch.Add(x => x.Surname, String.Empty);
IEnumerable<string> userPaths = tmpPatch.Operations.Select(x => x.path);


JsonPatch 在这方面似乎非常有限,似乎更适合在 DAO(实体)和 DTO(模型)之间存在 1:1 映射的系统。


Json 合并补丁 - RFC7396 更适合这个。