Creating a variable number of arguments, function
list.max <- function(list, ... )
其中 ... 表示列表中与 data.frames 不同的列。
#function to return the maximum value from each line, between all the columns listed
#@Arg List: A list of data.frames which contain the columns
#@Arg col.name1 ... col.nameN: Character variable containing the names from the columns to compare
#Pre: The list must exist and the data.frames must contain the same columns
#Pos: The function will return a vector with their first element
# being the maximum value, between the columns listed, from the first
# data.frame from the list. The second element, being the maximum
# value between the columns listed, from the second data.frame from
# the list. The analogy continues until the N element
list.max <- function(list, col.name1, col.name2, ... , col.nameN){
#creates the first data.frame with the correct amount of rows
data.frame = data.frame(list.exapply(list, max, col.name1))
#loop intill the end
data.frame[1] = list.exapply(list, max, col.name1)
data.frame[2] = list.exapply(list, max, col.name2)
data.frame[N] = list.exapply(list, max, col.nameN)
#transpose the data.frame, so it can be compared in the max function, as he is casted to a matrix class
#creates the vector so it can storage the max value between the columns (which are now the lines)
vet = vector()
#storage the solution
for( i in 1:nrow(data.frame)) {vet[i] = max(data.frame[i,])}
#return the solution
return (vet)
df.exapply <- function(data.frame, func, col.name){
variavel <-func(data.frame[, col.name])
# print(variavel)
return (variavel)
list.exapply <- function(list, func, col.name){
vet = df.exapply(list[[1]], func, col.name)
# print(col.name)
for (i in 1:length(list)) { vet[i] = df.exapply(list[[i]],func, col.name)
return (vet)
因此,根据我收集到的信息,您想要一个包含 x 个数据帧的列表,并找到每个数据帧中所有观察值和所有变量的最大值。
# Create list with 10 dataframes
df_list <- list()
for (i in 1:10) {
df_list[[i]] <- data.frame(matrix(rnorm(100), ncol = 10))
colnames(df_list[[i]]) <- LETTERS[1:10]
# Find maximum value of all data.frames
sapply(df_list, FUN = max)
这将创建一个包含 10 个数据框的列表,每个数据框包含 10 个观察值和 10 个变量。然后它遍历每个 data.frame 以获得每个的最大值。最后,返回一个具有最大值的向量。
list.max <- function(list, ... )
其中 ... 表示列表中与 data.frames 不同的列。
#function to return the maximum value from each line, between all the columns listed
#@Arg List: A list of data.frames which contain the columns
#@Arg col.name1 ... col.nameN: Character variable containing the names from the columns to compare
#Pre: The list must exist and the data.frames must contain the same columns
#Pos: The function will return a vector with their first element
# being the maximum value, between the columns listed, from the first
# data.frame from the list. The second element, being the maximum
# value between the columns listed, from the second data.frame from
# the list. The analogy continues until the N element
list.max <- function(list, col.name1, col.name2, ... , col.nameN){
#creates the first data.frame with the correct amount of rows
data.frame = data.frame(list.exapply(list, max, col.name1))
#loop intill the end
data.frame[1] = list.exapply(list, max, col.name1)
data.frame[2] = list.exapply(list, max, col.name2)
data.frame[N] = list.exapply(list, max, col.nameN)
#transpose the data.frame, so it can be compared in the max function, as he is casted to a matrix class
#creates the vector so it can storage the max value between the columns (which are now the lines)
vet = vector()
#storage the solution
for( i in 1:nrow(data.frame)) {vet[i] = max(data.frame[i,])}
#return the solution
return (vet)
df.exapply <- function(data.frame, func, col.name){
variavel <-func(data.frame[, col.name])
# print(variavel)
return (variavel)
list.exapply <- function(list, func, col.name){
vet = df.exapply(list[[1]], func, col.name)
# print(col.name)
for (i in 1:length(list)) { vet[i] = df.exapply(list[[i]],func, col.name)
return (vet)
因此,根据我收集到的信息,您想要一个包含 x 个数据帧的列表,并找到每个数据帧中所有观察值和所有变量的最大值。 你为什么不做以下事情:
# Create list with 10 dataframes
df_list <- list()
for (i in 1:10) {
df_list[[i]] <- data.frame(matrix(rnorm(100), ncol = 10))
colnames(df_list[[i]]) <- LETTERS[1:10]
# Find maximum value of all data.frames
sapply(df_list, FUN = max)
这将创建一个包含 10 个数据框的列表,每个数据框包含 10 个观察值和 10 个变量。然后它遍历每个 data.frame 以获得每个的最大值。最后,返回一个具有最大值的向量。