Find subarray with given sum
输入:arr[] = {1, 4, 20, 3, 10, 5},总和 = 33
输出:在索引 2 和 4 之间找到的总和
输入:arr[] = {1, 4, 0, 0, 3, 10, 5},总和 = 7
输出:在索引 1 和 4 之间找到的总和
val sumList = list.foldLeft(List(0), 0)((l, r) => (l._1 :+ (l._2+r), l._2 + r))._1.drop(1)
//Brute force approach
case i if i(1)._1 - i(0)._1 == sum => i
}) match {
case Some(List(x, y)) => println("elements which form the given sum are => "+ list.drop(x._2+1).take(y._2-x._2))
case _ => println("couldn't find elements which satisfy the given condition")
算法: 初始化一个变量curr_sum作为第一个元素。 curr_sum表示当前子数组的和。从第二个元素开始,将所有元素一一添加到curr_sum中。如果 curr_sum 等于 sum,则打印解决方案。如果 curr_sum 超过总和,则在 curr_sum 大于总和时删除尾随元素。
val list:List[Int] = List(1, 4, 20, 3, 10, 5)
val sum = 33
val (totalSum, start, end, isSumFound) = list.zipWithIndex.drop(1).foldLeft(list.head, 0, 1, false)((l, r) =>
if(!l._4) {
val tempSum = l._1 + r._1
if (tempSum == sum){
(sum, l._2, r._2, true)
} else if(tempSum > sum){
var (curSum, curIndex) = (tempSum, l._2)
while(curSum > sum && curIndex < list.length-1){
curSum = curSum - list(curIndex)
curIndex = l._2 +1
(curSum, curIndex, r._2, curSum == sum)
} else {
(tempSum, l._2, r._2, false)
if(isSumFound || totalSum == sum){
println("elements which form the given sum are => "+ list.drop(start+1).take(end-start))
println("couldn't find elements which satisfy the given condition")
val list:List[Int] = List(1, 4, 20, 3, 10, 5)
val sum = 33
return 子列表迭代器的方法,首先是从第一个元素开始的子列表,然后从第二个元素开始...
def subLists[T](xs:List[T]):Iterator[List[T]] =
if (xs == Nil) Iterator.empty
else xs.inits ++ subLists(xs.tail)
val ol = subLists(list).collectFirst{ case x if x.sum == sum => x}
ol match {
case None => println("No such subsequence")
case Some(l) => val i = list.indexOfSlice(l)
println("Sequence of sum " + sum +
" found between " + i +
" and " + (i + l.length - 1))
//> Sequence of sum 33 found between 2 and 4
(您可以在构建迭代器时跟踪与子列表关联的索引,但这似乎比它的价值更麻烦,并且降低了 subLists
编辑:这是您发布的代码的一个版本 "functional"。但我认为我的第一个版本更清晰——将生成序列的关注点与检查它们的总和分开更简单
val sumList = list.scanLeft(0){_ + _}
val is = for {i <- 1 to list.length - 1
j <- 0 to i
if sumList(i)-sumList(j) == sum}
yield (j, i-1)
is match {
case Seq() => println("No such subsequence")
case (start, end) +: _ =>
println("Sequence of sum " + sum +
" found between " + start + " and " + end )
//> Sequence of sum 33 found between 2 and 4
EDIT2:这是一个 O(N) 的问题。 "Functional" 因为没有可变变量,但在我看来,它不如其他变量清楚。如果你只打印找到的结果会更清楚一点(不需要在迭代之间携带累加器的 rs
部分)但是这种副作用的方式似乎不太实用,所以我 return a解决方案列表。
val sums = list.scanLeft(0)(_ + _) zipWithIndex
sums.drop(1).foldLeft((sums, List[(Int, Int)]())) {
case ((leftTotal, rs), total) =>
val newL = leftTotal.dropWhile(total._1 - _._1 > target)
if (total._1 - newL.head._1 == target)
(newL, (newL.head._2, total._2 - 1) :: rs)
else (newL, rs)
//> res0: List[(Int, Int)] = List((2,4))
O(N) 因为我们将缩短的 newL 作为下一次迭代传递给 leftTotal,所以 dropWhile 只会遍历列表一次。这个依赖于非负整数(因此添加另一个元素不能减少总数),其他的也使用负整数。
我正在尝试实现查找具有给定总和的子数组的功能样式。 我写的代码不符合功能风格。有人可以帮助使其更具功能性吗?
输入:arr[] = {1, 4, 20, 3, 10, 5},总和 = 33 输出:在索引 2 和 4 之间找到的总和
输入:arr[] = {1, 4, 0, 0, 3, 10, 5},总和 = 7 输出:在索引 1 和 4 之间找到的总和
val sumList = list.foldLeft(List(0), 0)((l, r) => (l._1 :+ (l._2+r), l._2 + r))._1.drop(1)
//Brute force approach
case i if i(1)._1 - i(0)._1 == sum => i
}) match {
case Some(List(x, y)) => println("elements which form the given sum are => "+ list.drop(x._2+1).take(y._2-x._2))
case _ => println("couldn't find elements which satisfy the given condition")
算法: 初始化一个变量curr_sum作为第一个元素。 curr_sum表示当前子数组的和。从第二个元素开始,将所有元素一一添加到curr_sum中。如果 curr_sum 等于 sum,则打印解决方案。如果 curr_sum 超过总和,则在 curr_sum 大于总和时删除尾随元素。
val list:List[Int] = List(1, 4, 20, 3, 10, 5)
val sum = 33
val (totalSum, start, end, isSumFound) = list.zipWithIndex.drop(1).foldLeft(list.head, 0, 1, false)((l, r) =>
if(!l._4) {
val tempSum = l._1 + r._1
if (tempSum == sum){
(sum, l._2, r._2, true)
} else if(tempSum > sum){
var (curSum, curIndex) = (tempSum, l._2)
while(curSum > sum && curIndex < list.length-1){
curSum = curSum - list(curIndex)
curIndex = l._2 +1
(curSum, curIndex, r._2, curSum == sum)
} else {
(tempSum, l._2, r._2, false)
if(isSumFound || totalSum == sum){
println("elements which form the given sum are => "+ list.drop(start+1).take(end-start))
println("couldn't find elements which satisfy the given condition")
val list:List[Int] = List(1, 4, 20, 3, 10, 5)
val sum = 33
return 子列表迭代器的方法,首先是从第一个元素开始的子列表,然后从第二个元素开始...
def subLists[T](xs:List[T]):Iterator[List[T]] =
if (xs == Nil) Iterator.empty
else xs.inits ++ subLists(xs.tail)
val ol = subLists(list).collectFirst{ case x if x.sum == sum => x}
ol match {
case None => println("No such subsequence")
case Some(l) => val i = list.indexOfSlice(l)
println("Sequence of sum " + sum +
" found between " + i +
" and " + (i + l.length - 1))
//> Sequence of sum 33 found between 2 and 4
(您可以在构建迭代器时跟踪与子列表关联的索引,但这似乎比它的价值更麻烦,并且降低了 subLists
编辑:这是您发布的代码的一个版本 "functional"。但我认为我的第一个版本更清晰——将生成序列的关注点与检查它们的总和分开更简单
val sumList = list.scanLeft(0){_ + _}
val is = for {i <- 1 to list.length - 1
j <- 0 to i
if sumList(i)-sumList(j) == sum}
yield (j, i-1)
is match {
case Seq() => println("No such subsequence")
case (start, end) +: _ =>
println("Sequence of sum " + sum +
" found between " + start + " and " + end )
//> Sequence of sum 33 found between 2 and 4
EDIT2:这是一个 O(N) 的问题。 "Functional" 因为没有可变变量,但在我看来,它不如其他变量清楚。如果你只打印找到的结果会更清楚一点(不需要在迭代之间携带累加器的 rs
部分)但是这种副作用的方式似乎不太实用,所以我 return a解决方案列表。
val sums = list.scanLeft(0)(_ + _) zipWithIndex
sums.drop(1).foldLeft((sums, List[(Int, Int)]())) {
case ((leftTotal, rs), total) =>
val newL = leftTotal.dropWhile(total._1 - _._1 > target)
if (total._1 - newL.head._1 == target)
(newL, (newL.head._2, total._2 - 1) :: rs)
else (newL, rs)
//> res0: List[(Int, Int)] = List((2,4))
O(N) 因为我们将缩短的 newL 作为下一次迭代传递给 leftTotal,所以 dropWhile 只会遍历列表一次。这个依赖于非负整数(因此添加另一个元素不能减少总数),其他的也使用负整数。