运行 任务计划程序每天两次但不是每小时一次

Run the task scheduler twice a day but not hourly intervals

我正在尝试在任务调度程序中启动一项 windows 服务,每天两次 运行,一次在中午 12 点,下一次在同一天晚上 10 点。我希望每天 运行。这可以做到吗?提前致谢

您需要创建 2 个单独的任务。

为了加快速度,您可以在 12:00pm 创建第一个任务 运行。然后只是 export 任务,并立即 import 相同的任务,但名称略有不同。使用 10:00pm


除非您需要它正好在 12:00,否则您应该通过选中相应的框来编辑触发器以随机化时间。把延迟时间设置成你需要的时间。

public void RunOnTimer()
        string timeToRunServ = "15:30"; //Time to run the report
        var timeArray = timeToRunServ.Split(';');
        CultureInfo provider = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;

        foreach (var strTime in timeArray)
            //foreach times in the timeArray, add the times into a TimeSpan list
            timeToRun.Add(TimeSpan.ParseExact(strTime, "g", provider));

        timer = new Timer(50000);
        timer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(timer_Elapsed);

    void ResetTimer()
        Logs.WriteLog("Reset Timer called");
        TimeSpan currentTime = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay;
        TimeSpan? nextRunTime = null;

        //foreach time in the timeToRun list
        foreach (TimeSpan runTime in timeToRun)

            if (currentTime < runTime)
                //If the current time is less than the run time(time has not passed), assgin the run time as the next run time
                nextRunTime = runTime;
        if (!nextRunTime.HasValue)

            nextRunTime = timeToRun[0].Add(new TimeSpan(24, 0, 0));
        timer.Interval = (nextRunTime.Value - currentTime).TotalMilliseconds;

        string interval = timer.Interval.ToString();

        Logs.WriteLog("timer interval is set to " + interval);

        timer.Enabled = true;

    private void timer_Elapsed(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e)
        string day = DateTime.Today.DayOfWeek.ToString();

        timer.Enabled = false;
        Logs.WriteLog("Timer elapsed");

        StartProcess() // Call the task you want to perform here


因此,第一次设置您的任务 运行,然后转到该任务的触发器选项卡,单击新建,并设置您希望该任务的第二次运行.
