页面需要多部分和演示部分 Microsoft Graph API

Page Requires Multi Part, and presentation part Microsoft Graph API

我正在尝试 post 从 Microsoft Graph API 到 OneNote 的页面,当我输入页面需要的部分 ID 以便 post 它抛出我的错误是:

Page create requests require the content to be multipart, with a presentation part.

我的请求 header 看起来像这样:

<!-- MyPartBoundary198374 -->
Content-Disposition:form-data; name="Presentation"

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>A page with <i>rendered</i> images and an <b>attached</b> file</title>
    <meta name="created" content="2015-07-22T09:00:00-08:00" />
    <p>Here's an image from an online source:</p>
    <img src="http://..." alt="an image on the page" width="500" />
    <p>Here's an image uploaded as binary data:</p>
    <img src="name:imageBlock1" alt="an image on the page" width="300" />
    <p>Here's a file attachment:</p>
    <object data-attachment="FileName.pdf" data="name:fileBlock1" type="application/pdf" />

<!-- MyPartBoundary198374 -->
Content-Disposition:form-data; name="imageBlock1"

<!--  ... binary image data ...    -->

<!-- MyPartBoundary198374 -->
Content-Disposition:form-data; name="fileBlock1"

<!-- ... binary file data ... -->

<!-- MyPartBoundary198374 -->



POST https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/onenote/sections/{id}/pages
Content-length: 312
Content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=MyPartBoundary198374