
Algorithm to find all diagonal point of a given point



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选中34点后,如何求对角线的相邻点? (01,12,23,45,25,43,52)

00(01)02 03 04 05
10 11(12)13 14 15
20 21 22(23)24(25)
30 31 32 33  X 35
40 41 42(43)44(45)
50 51(52)53 54 55




在整个网格上写一些简单的 for 循环。对角线上任意点的斜率为 1,起点为

假设一个零索引的 N x N 框,x 从左到右递增,y 从上到下递增

values = list()
location = (3,4)

for y in 0 ..N-1:
    for x in 0..N-1:
        if (x, y) == location:
        slope = abs(y-location(0))/abs(x-location(1))
        if slope == 1:
            list.add( (y, x) ) 


从位置坐标开始,然后向外呈扇形,同时增加和/或减少两个x、y 点。该方法的棘手部分是当一个方向碰到边界时不中断循环


N 是从零开始的矩阵的大小。

public static void diagonal(int N, int x, int y) {

    int max = Collections.max(Arrays.asList(x, y, N - x, N - y));
    for (int i = 1; i < max; i++) {
        addIfValid(N, x + i, y + i);
        addIfValid(N, x + i, y - i);
        addIfValid(N, x - i, y + i);
        addIfValid(N, x - i, y - i);

private static void addIfValid(int N, int i, int j) {
    if (i >= 0 && i < N && j >= 0 && j < N) {
        // collect the results in a list or process them in any way
        System.out.println(i + ":" + j);

假设您的观点是 (a, b)。如果存在 i 整数,则给定的 (c, d) 点在同一对角线上,因此

a + i = c 和 b + i = d a + i = c 和 b - i = d


for i <- 0, n - 1
    if i <> a then
        if (b - i) >= 0 and (b - i) < n then (i, b - i) is on the diagonal
        if (b + i) >= 0 and (b + i) < n then (i, b + i) is on the diagonal
    end if
end for

按照 Lajos Arpad 回答的指导,我做了一些更改以满足我的需要。

//point_given = (3,3)
//matrix = 5*4
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x = 3 // x of given point
y = 3 // y of given point
N = 5 //row
M = 4 //col

//use row to iterate only
for i = 0 to N, i+1
    //no diagonal point on same row of given point
    if i <> x
        //to check if y in bound of matrix col for the left and right diagonal
        //used abs(x-i) to know how much value to add to y col
        //e.g. 1 row up of x means the diagonal point y is 1 col left and 1 col right to given y
        if((y-abs(x-i))>=0) then (i,y-abs(x-i)) is a diagonal point on left
        if((y+abs(x-i))<M) then (i,y+abs(x-i)) is a diagonal point on right

我用 C#

为这个已接受的答案 () 编写了一个实现
public IEnumerable<(int i, int j)> GetDiagonalPoints(int a, int b, int n)
             for i <- 0, n - 1
                if i <> a then
                    dist = Abs(i - a)
                    if (b - dist) >= 0 and (b - dist) < n then (i, b - dist) is on the diagonal
                    if (b + dist) >= 0 and (b + dist) < n then (i, b + dist) is on the diagonal
                end if
            end for
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                if (i != a)
                    var dist = Math.Abs(i - a);
                    if ((b - dist) >= 0 && (b - dist) < n) yield return (i, b - dist);
                    if ((b + dist) < n) yield return (i, b + dist);



def diag_iter(row, col, n):
    for i in range(n):
        if i != row:
            dist = abs(i - row)
            if 0 <= col - dist < n:
                yield (i, col - dist)
            if col + dist < n:
                yield (i, col + dist)

def print_diag(row, col, n):
    board = [['_'] * n for _ in range(n)]
    board[row][col] = 'X'
    for diag_row, diag_col in diag_iter(row, col, n):
        board[diag_row][diag_col] = "X"
    print(f"Board of size {n} with diagional starting at ({row}, {col})")
    for row in board:

print_diag(1, 1, 5)
print_diag(2, 2, 5)
print_diag(3, 4, 5)
print_diag(0, 3, 5)
Board of size 5 with diagional starting at (1, 1)
['X', '_', 'X', '_', '_']
['_', 'X', '_', '_', '_']
['X', '_', 'X', '_', '_']
['_', '_', '_', 'X', '_']
['_', '_', '_', '_', 'X']
Board of size 5 with diagional starting at (2, 2)
['X', '_', '_', '_', 'X']
['_', 'X', '_', 'X', '_']
['_', '_', 'X', '_', '_']
['_', 'X', '_', 'X', '_']
['X', '_', '_', '_', 'X']
Board of size 5 with diagional starting at (3, 4)
['_', 'X', '_', '_', '_']
['_', '_', 'X', '_', '_']
['_', '_', '_', 'X', '_']
['_', '_', '_', '_', 'X']
['_', '_', '_', 'X', '_']
Board of size 5 with diagional starting at (0, 3)
['_', '_', '_', 'X', '_']
['_', '_', 'X', '_', 'X']
['_', 'X', '_', '_', '_']
['X', '_', '_', '_', '_']
['_', '_', '_', '_', '_']