JVM 安全管理器文件权限 - 自定义策略

JVM Security Manager File permissions - custom policy

我在使用 JVM 安全管理器自定义策略时发现了某种意外行为。


在 branch master 中,进入 /code 文件夹:

现在一切都按预期工作:允许的文件读取,但另一个抛出安全异常:java.security.AccessControlException: access denied ("java.io.FilePermission" "../deny/deny.txt" "read")

但是如果我将两个文件(../allow/allow.txt../deny/deny.txt)移动到 code 文件夹(更改自定义策略和 java 代码以使用这些文件) ,我也不例外。 (分支'unexpected')





Code can always read a file from the same directory it's in (or a subdirectory of that directory); it does not need explicit permission to do so.


    new CodeSource(new URL("file:" + codeDir),
    (Certificate[]) null)) == true)

然后 HelloWorld 将默认授予对指定目录及其后代的读取访问权限。特别是对于 code 目录 本身 这应该有一些直观的意义,否则 class 甚至无法访问 public-access class在它的包中。


基本上取决于 ClassLoader:如果它 statically assigned any Permissions to the ProtectionDomain to which it mapped class——这适用于 java.net.URLClassLoadersun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader(OpenJDK -specific default system class loader)--这些权限将始终分配给域,无论 Policy 是否生效。


典型的 "quick-n'-dirty" 任何与授权相关的解决方法是扩展 SecurityManager 并覆盖让你厌烦的方法;即在这种情况下,checkRead 组方法。

另一方面,对于不降低 AccessController 和朋友的灵活性的更彻底的解决方案,您必须编写一个 class 加载器,它至少会覆盖 URLClassLoader#getPermissions(CodeSource) and/or 将加载的 classes 域的 CodeSource 限制到文件级别(URLClassLoader 和 [=33= 默认分配的域的代码源] 暗示(递归地).class 文件的 class 路径条目(JAR 或目录))。为了进一步细化,您的加载程序还可以分配您自己的域 subclass、and/or 域的实例封装您自己的 subclass 的代码源,分别覆盖 ProtectionDomain#implies(Permission) and/or CodeSource#implies(CodeSource);例如,可以使前者支持 "negative permission" 语义,而后者可以将代码源暗示基于任意逻辑,可能与物理代码位置分离(想想 "trust levels")。


为了证明在不同的 class 加载器下这些权限实际上很重要,请考虑以下示例:有两个 classes,ABAmain 方法,它只是调用 B 上的方法。此外,该应用程序是使用不同的系统 class 加载程序启动的,它 a) 在每个 class 的基础上分配域(而不是在每个 class 路径条目的基础上,因为是默认值)到 classes 它加载,没有 b) 为这些域分配任何权限。


package com.example.q45897574;

import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLClassLoader;
import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.CodeSource;
import java.security.PermissionCollection;
import java.security.Permissions;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
import java.security.ProtectionDomain;
import java.security.cert.Certificate;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

public class RestrictiveClassLoader extends URLClassLoader {

    private static final Pattern COMMON_SYSTEM_RESOURCE_NAMES = Pattern
    private static final String OWN_CLASS_NAME = RestrictiveClassLoader.class.getName();
    private static final URL[] EMPTY_URL_ARRAY = new URL[0], CLASSPATH_ENTRY_URLS;
    private static final PermissionCollection NO_PERMS = new Permissions();

    static {
        String[] classpathEntries = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<String>() {
            public String run() {
                return System.getProperty("java.class.path");
        Set<URL> classpathEntryUrls = new LinkedHashSet<>(classpathEntries.length, 1);
        for (String classpathEntry : classpathEntries) {
            try {
                URL classpathEntryUrl;
                if (classpathEntry.endsWith(".jar")) {
                    classpathEntryUrl = new URL("file:jar:".concat(classpathEntry));
                else {
                    if (!classpathEntry.endsWith("/")) {
                        classpathEntry = classpathEntry.concat("/");
                    classpathEntryUrl = new URL("file:".concat(classpathEntry));
            catch (MalformedURLException mue) {
        CLASSPATH_ENTRY_URLS = classpathEntryUrls.toArray(EMPTY_URL_ARRAY);

    private static byte[] readClassData(URL classResource) throws IOException {
        try (InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(classResource.openStream());
                ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream()) {
            while (in.available() > 0) {
            return out.toByteArray();

    public RestrictiveClassLoader(ClassLoader parent) {
        super(EMPTY_URL_ARRAY, parent);
        for (URL classpathEntryUrl : CLASSPATH_ENTRY_URLS) {

    protected Class<?> loadClass(String name, boolean resolve) throws ClassNotFoundException {
        if (name == null) {
            throw new ClassNotFoundException("< null >", new NullPointerException("name argument must not be null."));
        if (OWN_CLASS_NAME.equals(name)) {
            return RestrictiveClassLoader.class;
        if (COMMON_SYSTEM_RESOURCE_NAMES.matcher(name).matches()) {
            return getParent().loadClass(name);
        Class<?> ret = findLoadedClass(name);
        if (ret != null) {
            return ret;
        return findClass(name);

    protected Class<?> findClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException {
        String modifiedClassName = name.replace(".", "/").concat(".class");
        URL classResource = findResource(modifiedClassName);
        if (classResource == null) {
            throw new ClassNotFoundException(name);
        byte[] classData;
        try {
            classData = readClassData(classResource);
        catch (IOException ioe) {
            throw new ClassNotFoundException(name, ioe);
        return defineClass(name, classData, 0, classData.length, constructClassDomain(classResource));

    protected PermissionCollection getPermissions(CodeSource codesource) {
        return NO_PERMS;

    private ProtectionDomain constructClassDomain(URL codeSourceLocation) {
        CodeSource cs = new CodeSource(codeSourceLocation, (Certificate[]) null);
        return new ProtectionDomain(cs, getPermissions(cs), this, null);



package com.example.q45897574;

public class A {

    public static void main(String... args) {
         * Note:
         * > Can't we set the security manager via launch argument?
         * No, it has to be set here, or bootstrapping will fail.
         * > Why?
         * Because our class loader's domain is unprivileged.
         * > Can't it be privileged?
         * Yes, but then everything under the same classpath entry becomes
         * privileged too, because our loader's domain's code source--which
         * _its own_ loader creates, thus escaping our control--implies _the
         * entire_ classpath entry. There are various workarounds, which
         * however fall outside of this example's scope.
        System.setSecurityManager(new SecurityManager());



package com.example.q45897574;

public class B {

    public static void b() {

确保 nothing 在策略级别被授予;然后运行(假设一个基于Linux的OS——适当修改class路径):

java -cp "/home/your_user/classpath/" \
-Djava.system.class.loader=com.example.q45897574.RestrictiveClassLoader \
-Djava.security.debug=access=failure com.example.q45897574.A

你应该得到一个 NoClassDefFoundError,以及 com.example.q45897574.A 的失败 FilePermission

现在授予 A 必要的权限(再次确保更正代码库(代码源 URL)和权限目标名称):

grant codeBase "file:/home/your_user/classpath/com/example/q45897574/A.class" {
    permission java.io.FilePermission "/home/your_user/classpath/com/example/q45897574/B.class", "read";
