为什么在 `float.is_integer` 中有下划线,而在 `str.isnumeric` 中没有?

Why an underscore in `float.is_integer`, but not in `str.isnumeric`?

float.is_integer is the only "is" method with an underscore in its name among built-in types in Python. Examples that don't 似乎包含下划线:str.isalnumstr.isalphastr.isdecimalstr.isdigitstr.isidentifierstr.islower, str.isnumeric, str.isprintable, str.isspace, str.istitle, str.isupper.


By PEP 8, I would expect all these names to include an underscore. But practicality beats purity (PEP 20),因此省略常用名称和短名称中的下划线是有意义的。然而,这两种命名约定似乎都是向后兼容的结果(以 logging 模块作为典型示例)。

similar question 已在 Python 错误跟踪器上被问到:

Compare isinstance, issubclass, and islower to is_integer, is_fifo, and is_enabled. In Python 3.6, of all the names in the standard library starting with is, I count 69 names with the underscore and 91 without. It seems better to pick one way or the other and stick with it. I would recommend using the underscore, for legibility.

答案(来自 Python 核心开发人员 R. David Murray)是:

Yep, that would be nice. But Python has evolved over time, and we must maintain backward compatibility. The names are what they are.

鉴于问题中的数字,似乎 is_integer 不是唯一带有下划线的方法。