
Converting numbers to text (2 existent words, same number)



我特别需要帮助的是为 100 构建与 10 相同的代码。我这样做的原因是因为在我的语言中我们没有 One 站在每个 Hundred/Thousand


例如:假设 Ones 中的第一个数字称为 Taff

事实上,程序会在它应该制作的地方制作 Taff Hundred 制作类似 Taffss Hundred


所以我创建了包含正确调用的 Hundreds()


intAmount = eAmount

Dim nTousands As Integer = intAmount \ 1000 : intAmount = intAmount Mod 1000
Dim nHundred As Integer = intAmount \ 100 : intAmount = intAmount Mod 100
Dim nTen As Integer = intAmount \ 10 : intAmount = intAmount Mod 10
Dim nOne As Integer = intAmount \ 1

     If nTen > 0 Then
          If nTen = 1 And nOne > 0 Then
               wAmount = wAmount & Teens(nOne) & " "
               wAmount = wAmount & Tens(nTen) & IIf(nOne > 0, " и ", " ")
               If nOne > 0 Then wAmount = wAmount & Ones(nOne) & "  "
               End If
          End If

         ElseIf nOne > 0 Then
              wAmount = wAmount & Ones(nOne) & " "
              wAmount = wAmount & HMBT(nSet) & " "
              wAmount = AmountInWords(CStr(CLng(nAmount) - _
              (eAmount * multiplier)).Trim & tempDecValue, wAmount, nSet - 1)

作为菜鸟,我认为通过复制粘贴代码 10 秒,并将值更改为 100 秒可以使事情正常进行,但它仅适用于 100 200 300 等,不适用于中间的数字。

              ElseIf nHundred > 0 Then
                  If nHundred = 1 And nOne > 0 Then
                  'Don't know how to properly add things here.
                       wAmount = wAmount & Hundreds(nHundred) & IIf(nOne > 0, " и ", " ")
                  If nOne > 0 Then wAmount = wAmount & Ones(nOne) & "  "
                  End If

更新 我做了一些改变,这次它部分起作用了…… 它显示 100s、200s、300s 等。 但它只显示从 100 到 109 时 "increments" 如果超过 109,则不会显示 100,然后返回显示 10、11、12 等

                ElseIf nHundred > 0 Then

                If nHundred = 1 And nTen > 0 And nOne > 0 Then
                    wAmount = wAmount & Teens(nTen) & " "

                    wAmount = wAmount & Hundreds(nHundred) & IIf(nOne > 0, " и ", " ")
                    If nOne > 0 Then wAmount = wAmount & Ones(nOne) & " "

                End If


    Private list_ones() As String = {"zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine"}
    Private list_teens() As String = {"ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen"}

    Private list_tens() As String = {"ten", "twenty", "thirty", "fourty", "fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety"}
    Private list_hundreds() As String = {"ones", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine"}

    Private Function get_string_from_numeric(ByVal curr_number As Integer) As String

        Dim to_return As String = ""

            Select Case curr_number
                Case Is < 10
                    to_return = list_ones(curr_number)
                Case 10 To 19
                    to_return = list_teens(curr_number - 10)
                Case 20 To 99
                    to_return = get_return_value(curr_number, 10, list_tens)
                Case 100 To 999
                    to_return = get_return_value(curr_number, 100, list_hundreds, "hundred")
                Case 1000 To 9999
                    to_return = get_return_value(curr_number, 1000, list_hundreds, "thousand")
                Case Is > 9999
                    to_return = "out of range"
            End Select
        End Try

        Return to_return

    End Function

    Private Function get_return_value(ByVal curr_number As Integer, ByVal curr_pace_holder As Integer, ByVal curr_array_list As String(), Optional ByVal str_term As String = "") As String
        Dim to_return As String = ""

        Dim curr_iter As Integer = Math.Floor(curr_number / curr_pace_holder)
        Dim curr_remainder As Integer = curr_number - curr_iter * curr_pace_holder
        If (str_term <> "") Then str_term = " " & str_term

        If (curr_remainder > 0) Then
            to_return = curr_array_list(curr_iter - 1) & str_term & " " & get_string_from_numeric(curr_remainder)
            to_return = curr_array_list(curr_iter - 1) & str_term
        End If

        Return to_return
    End Function

    Private Sub cmd_submit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmd_submit.Click

            If (IsNumeric(txt_input.Text)) Then
                txt_output.Text = get_string_from_numeric(CInt(txt_input.Text))
                MsgBox("Invalid input.")
            End If
        End Try

    End Sub