将带阴影的标准误差曲线添加到 ggplot2 中的 geom_density

Add shaded standard error curves to geom_density in ggplot2

我想使用 ggplot2 将带阴影的标准误差曲线添加到 geom_density。我的代码如下所示:

data.plot <- data.frame(x = c(rnorm(100, mean = 0, sd = 5),
                                    rnorm(100, mean = 1, sd =2 )), 
                             g = factor(c(rep(1, 100),

ggplot(data.plot, aes(x, linetype = g)) + geom_density()


最佳解决方案是使用 bootstrapping,如评论中所述。我将使用经典的 iris 数据,重点关注每个 Species[=59] 的 Sepal.Length 的密度=].



data_frame(bs = 1:1000) %>% group_by(bs) %>% 
  mutate(data = list(iris %>% group_by(Species) %>% 
                       sample_frac(size = 1, replace = T)))
# A tibble: 1,000 x 2
# Groups:   bs [1,000]
      bs               data
   <int>             <list>
 1     1 <tibble [150 x 5]>
 2     2 <tibble [150 x 5]>
 3     3 <tibble [150 x 5]>
 4     4 <tibble [150 x 5]>
 5     5 <tibble [150 x 5]>
 6     6 <tibble [150 x 5]>
 7     7 <tibble [150 x 5]>
 8     8 <tibble [150 x 5]>
 9     9 <tibble [150 x 5]>
10    10 <tibble [150 x 5]>
# ... with 990 more rows

所以我只是对原始数据进行了 1000 bootstrap 次复制,从每组中取出与其原始样本大小相同的行数,并进行替换。现在我必须 unnest 才能访问嵌套的 data 列中的数据。


densities.within <-
data_frame(bs = 1:1000) %>% group_by(bs) %>% 
  mutate(data = list(iris %>% group_by(Species) %>% 
                       sample_frac(size = 1, replace = T))) %>% 
  unnest() %>% 
  group_by(bs, Species) %>% 
                  from = min(iris$Sepal.Length), 
                  to = max(iris$Sepal.Length), 
                  n = 128)))
# A tibble: 384,000 x 4
# Groups:   bs, Species [30,000]
      bs Species        x         y
   <int>  <fctr>    <dbl>     <dbl>
 1     1  setosa 4.300000 0.2395786
 2     1  setosa 4.328346 0.2821128
 3     1  setosa 4.356693 0.3235939
 4     1  setosa 4.385039 0.3632449
 5     1  setosa 4.413386 0.4010378
 6     1  setosa 4.441732 0.4375189
 7     1  setosa 4.470079 0.4734727
 8     1  setosa 4.498425 0.5095333
 9     1  setosa 4.526772 0.5459280
10     1  setosa 4.555118 0.5824587
# ... with 383,990 more rows

所以我们将数据扩展为长格式,然后取物种内每个组的Sepal.Length的密度bs。我们必须提供手动 from =to =,因为每个 bootstrap 中的最小值和最大值可能不同(为了节省时间,设置比默认值 512 更低的 n =) . 为了简化生成的 S3: density 对象,我们使用 broom::tidy。这是计算密集型步骤,因此我们将此对象保存为 densities.within.


这会产生名为 xy 的列,但我们将重命名它们以匹配我们的数据。然后我们会弄清楚:对于每个计算可能的密度Sepal.Length,CI的下限是多少,中位数是多少,上限是多少CI 结束?我们将使用 quantile 来获取计算密度的这些特定值。

densities.qtiles <-
densities.within %>%
  rename(Sepal.Length = x, dens = y) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  group_by(Species, Sepal.Length) %>% 
  summarise(q05 = quantile(dens, 0.025),
            q50 = quantile(dens, 0.5),
            q95 = quantile(dens, 0.975)) 
# A tibble: 384 x 5
# Groups:   Species [?]
   Species Sepal.Length        q05       q50       q95
    <fctr>        <dbl>      <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
 1  setosa     4.300000 0.05730022 0.2355335 0.4426299
 2  setosa     4.328346 0.08177850 0.2734463 0.4970097
 3  setosa     4.356693 0.09863062 0.3114570 0.5505578
 4  setosa     4.385039 0.12459033 0.3430645 0.5884523
 5  setosa     4.413386 0.15049699 0.3705389 0.6207344
 6  setosa     4.441732 0.17494889 0.4006335 0.6418923
 7  setosa     4.470079 0.19836510 0.4258006 0.6655006
 8  setosa     4.498425 0.21106857 0.4555755 0.6971370
 9  setosa     4.526772 0.23399070 0.4813130 0.7244413
10  setosa     4.555118 0.24863090 0.5108057 0.7708114
# ... with 374 more rows


ggplot(densities.qtiles, aes(Sepal.Length, q50)) +
  facet_wrap(~Species, nrow = 2) +
  geom_histogram(data = iris, 
                 aes(Sepal.Length, ..density..), 
                 colour = "black", fill = "white", 
                 binwidth = 0.25, boundary = 0) +
  geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = q05, ymax = q95), alpha = 0.5, fill = "grey50") +
  stat_density(data = iris, 
               aes(Sepal.Length, ..density.., color = "raw density"), 
               size = 2, geom = "line") +
  geom_line(size = 1.5, aes(color = "bootstrapped")) + 
  scale_color_manual(values = c("red", "black")) +
  labs(y = "density") +
  theme(legend.position = c(0.5,0),
        legend.justification = c(0,0))

我还包括了原始数据的直方图和密度层,以便进行比较。您可以看到 1000 bootstrap 个样本的中值密度和原始密度非常接近。