我可以将学生版 10.6 的 Modelsim 许可用于 Altera Modelsim 16.0 版吗?

Can I use Modelsim license for Student Edition 10.6 for Altera Modelsim 16.0 edition?

我有 Modelsim 10.6 SE 的许可证。我可以对 Altera-Modelsim 16.0(最新版本)使用相同的许可证吗?


The ModelSim - Intel FPGA Edition software requires a valid license. This license expires 15 months after the date of purchase. Every 15 months you must regenerate your license file in the Self-Service Licensing Center to renew your license for the specific ModelSim-Intel FPGA Edition software version that you purchased. The ModelSim - Intel FPGA Edition software does not require a separate license file. If you purchase this software, your Quartus Prime license file includes a FEATURE line to enable it. You must, however, specify the location of license file for the ModelSim Intel FPGA Edition software using an environment variable before you can use it. Refer to the topic about specifying a ModelSim license file for more information.

来源:Intel® FPGA Software Installation and Licensing

Q: Is the ModelSim-Intel FPGA Edition software the same as the ModelSim PE/DE software?

A: No. ModelSim-Intel FPGA Edition software only supports our gate-level libraries. The ModelSim-Intel FPGA Edition software includes the base features of ModelSim PE, including behavioral simulation, HDL testbenches, and Tcl scripting. However, ModelSim PE optional features are not supported in the ModelSim-Intel FPGA Edition software and the simulation performance of the ModelSim-Intel FPGA Edition software is slower than that of the ModelSim PE/DE software.


但最简单的验证方法是安装 ModelSim-Intel 并对其进行测试。