如何将 jTextPane 中的整个(突出显示或不突出显示)文本设置为正常?

How to set the whole (highlighted or not) text in jTextPane back to normal?

我有两种方法:colorText()colorBackground()。它们都为 jTextPane 中的选定文本着色,无论是前景还是背景。现在我想有另一种方法可以将整个文本设置为正常(黑色前景和白色背景)。

给定一个 StyledDocument, as shown here, you can invoke setCharacterAttributes() with whatever style you want. The example below uses a default SimpleAttributeSet, but you can use any AttributeSet, such as the ones shown here.

f.add(new JButton(new AbstractAction("Clear") {

    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
        doc.setCharacterAttributes(0, doc.getLength(), new SimpleAttributeSet(), true);
}), BorderLayout.SOUTH);