Ruby 高级 gsub

Ruby advanced gsub


My first <a href="">LINK</a>
and my second <a href="">LINK</a>

如何将此字符串中的所有链接从 href="URL" 替换为 href="/redirect?url=URL" 使其变为

My first <a href="/redirect?url=">LINK</a>
and my second <a href="/redirect?url=">LINK</a>


gsub 允许您匹配正则表达式模式并在替换中使用捕获的子字符串:

x = <<-EOS
My first <a href="">LINK</a>
and my second <a href="">LINK</a>

x.gsub(/"(.*)"/, '"/redirect?url="') # the  refers to the stuff captured 
                                       # by the (.*)


re = /
  href=       # Match attribute we are looking for
  [\'"]?      # Optionally match opening single or double quote
  \K          # Forget previous matches, as we dont really need it
  ([^\'" >]+) # Capture group of characters except quotes, space and close bracket

现在您可以用您需要的字符串替换捕获的组(使用 </code> 引用组):</p> <pre><code>str.gsub(re, '/redirect?url=')