Activity 图对象流用法

Activity diagram object flow usage


请问,两次transisions到Confirm request是否可以。从选择食物两个过渡也可以吗?一种转换是对象流,一种是控制流。


还显示了实现信息流的对象流,如上所示,其中 Chosen food 直接链接到分类器。

您 "can" 像以前一样使用 ObjectFlow。但这会带来一些歧义,因为您无法区分 ObjectFlowControlFlow,因为它们具有相同的形状。所以这就是我建议给出清晰图片的方法。

第您找到的 379 个规格

An object flow is notated by an arrowed line. In Figure 15.9, upper right, the two object flow arrows denote a single object flow edge between two pins in the underlying model, as shown in the lower middle of the figure. (See other Pin notations in sub clause 16.2. The specific notational variant used shall be preserved when the diagram is interchanged, see Annex B.)