默认情况下 Objective-C 函数结果是非空的吗?

Are Objective-C function results nonnull by default?

实现一个 UITextInput 委托方法时,发布者说当他们 运行 对其代码进行静态分析时,他们在这个函数上遇到错误:

- (NSArray *)selectionRectsForRange:(UITextRange *)range
    return nil;

错误是"nil returned from a method that is expected to return a non-null value."

函数声明的结果没有可空性说明符。默认情况下函数结果是否非空? (这些天我主要在 Swift 工作,并不了解 Objective-C 的最新变化。)


声明该方法的 header 用 the "assume nonnull" macros 括起来:

//  UITextInput.h
//  UIKit
//  Copyright (c) 2009-2017 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.

#import <CoreGraphics/CoreGraphics.h>

#import <UIKit/UITextInputTraits.h>
#import <UIKit/UIResponder.h>

// Responders that implement the UIKeyInput protocol will be driven by the system-provided keyboard,
// which will be made available whenever a conforming responder becomes first responder.


// snip
// ...
// L150
/* Geometry used to provide, for example, a correction rect. */
- (CGRect)firstRectForRange:(UITextRange *)range;
- (CGRect)caretRectForPosition:(UITextPosition *)position;
- (NSArray *)selectionRectsForRange:(UITextRange *)range NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(6_0);       // Returns an array of UITextSelectionRects

所以这个方法实际上被标记为具有 non-null return 值。