领域:如何将 int 设置为可为空,以便如果它从 json 获取值 "null",则可以忽略它

Realm: How can I set an int to nullable, so that if it gets the value "null" back from the json, it can be ignored


public class TripStop extends RealmObject implements Serializable {
private int arrival_time;
private String address;
private int id;
private int departure_time;
private Destination place;
private CoordLocation location;

public int getArrival_time() {
    return arrival_time;

public void setArrival_time(int arrival_time) {
    this.arrival_time = arrival_time;

public String getAddress() {
    return address;

public void setAddress(String address) {
    this.address = address;

public int getId() {
    return id;

public void setId(int id) {
    this.id = id;

public int getDeparture_time() {
    return departure_time;

public void setDeparture_time(int departure_time) {
    this.departure_time = departure_time;

public Destination getPlace() {
    return place;

public void setPlace(Destination place) {
    this.place = place;

public CoordLocation getLocation() {
    return location;

public void setLocation(CoordLocation location) {
    this.location = location;

但每次我收到一个 json 响应,其中一个 int(或原语)为 null,我在 Realm 中得到一个错误:

08-29 16:45:59.220: I/WSCalls(6370): 错误:尝试将不可为空的字段 'departure_time' 设置为空。

我从 Realm 3.5 了解到可以设置空值或设置默认版本,但我还没有做到。 这怎么可能?我看到 @Nullable 没有帮助


int 是原始数据类型,不能与 null.



您可以将类型更改为 IntegerInteger 可以包含 null,但由于 boxing/unboxing 会增加一些开销。 (参见:https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/data/autoboxing.html