Django 和表单集

Django and formsets

我试图了解 Django 表单集的内部工作原理。


 ArticleFormSet = formset_factory(ArticleFormA, extra=2)
 formset = ArticleFormSet()

如果我检查 dir(formset) 表单和表单属性都可用,但如果我尝试打印 forms 什么也没有打印,我想这与装饰器有关 @cached_property (但什么时候调用?)

在 formset 对象的初始化中没有与 forms 属性相关的操作。

所以,我想是在调用 {{formset}} 或 {{formset.as_p}} 等时调用的。


forms = ' '.join(form.as_p() for form in self)


(PS 我明白每个表单都在做什么),但不是表单中的表单,除了事实表单现在已填充

之后,使用之前的 management_form 创建字段。

    return mark_safe('\n'.join([six.text_type(self.management_form), forms]))

form in self 导致调用特殊方法 self.__iter__(),这就是在 python 中实现可迭代 类 的方式。


This method is called when an iterator is required for a container. This method should return a new iterator object that can iterate over all the objects in the container. For mappings, it should iterate over the keys of the container.


class BaseFormSet(object):
    A collection of instances of the same Form class.

    def __iter__(self):
        """Yields the forms in the order they should be rendered"""
        return iter(self.forms)

    def forms(self):
        Instantiate forms at first property access.
        # DoS protection is included in total_form_count()
        forms = [self._construct_form(i, **self.get_form_kwargs(i))
                 for i in range(self.total_form_count())]
        return forms

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