Google 图表 CLJS Clojure

Google Chart CLJS Clojure

我试图在 Google 图表中调整此 。到re-frame框架,reagent。我想创建一个基于订阅的实时图表。我用一个简单的计数器测试 =+-1.

我收到错误:Assert failed: Render must be a function, not nil (ifn? render-fun)

(defn draw-demo-chart 
   (let [[columns vectors options chart] (r/children d)
         data (new js/google.visualization.DataTable)]
       (doall ;gotta keep the doall on maps. lazy sequence...
      (map (fn [[type name]]
            (.addColumn data type name)) columns))
      (.addRows data vectors)
      (.draw chart data options)
      (.load js/google "visualization" "1" (clj->js {:packages ["corechart" "orgchart" "calendar" "map" "geochart"]}))     
      (.setOnLoadCallback js/google draw-demo-chart)

(defn draw-demo-chart-container
    (let [count    (re-frame/subscribe [:count])
          columns  (reaction [["date" "X"] ["number" "Y"]])
          vectors  (reaction (clj->js [[(new js/Date "07/11/14") 145] [(new js/Date "07/12/14") 15]
                                      [(new js/Date "07/13/14") 23] [(new js/Date "07/14/14") 234]]))
          options  (reaction (clj->js {:title (str @count)}))
          chart    (reaction (new js/google.visualization.LineChart (.getElementById js/document "linechart"))) ]
     (fn []
        [draw-demo-graph @columns @vectors @options @chart])))

(def draw-demo-graph 
       (r/create-class {:reagent-render  draw-demo-chart
                        :component-did-mount draw-demo-chart
                        :component-did-update draw-demo-chart}))

使用 Google 图表有几个挑战 API:

  1. 它是异步加载的,只有在准备就绪时才能使用。


(defonce ready?
  (reagent/atom false))

(defonce initialize
    (js/google.charts.load (clj->js {:packages ["corechart"]}))
      (fn google-visualization-loaded []
        (reset! ready? true)))))
  1. 您需要在 HTML 元素上调用 draw

HTML 元素只有在组件已安装后才会存在。您可以使用 ref 来方便地获取 HTML 元素(否则您需要在安装时保存对 in 的引用,或搜索它)。

(defn draw-chart [chart-type data options]
   (if @ready?
       (fn [this]
         (when this
           (.draw (new (aget js/google.visualization chart-type) this)
                  (data-table data)
                  (clj->js options))))}]
     [:div "Loading..."])])

只要任何输入发生变化(上面的 ref 示例就是如此),您就需要重新绘制。

  1. 设置数据源


(defn data-table [data]
    (map? data) (js/google.visualization.DataTable. (clj->js data))
    (string? data) (js/google.visualization.Query. data)
    (seqable? data) (js/google.visualization.arrayToDataTable (clj->js data))))
  1. 使用它


    {:title (str "Clicks as of day " @day)}]
