Eclipse e4 文本编辑器应用程序的自定义 ISaveHandler 和 IWindowCloseHandler

Custom ISaveHandler and IWindowCloseHandler for Eclipse e4 text editor app

与问题“Custom message when closing a part in Eclipse RCP 4”相关 我还有一个带有多个编辑器部分的 Eclipse RCP 4 应用程序(实现 MDirtyable 和 @Persist)。


此外,当用户关闭应用程序时,弹出窗口应提示用户 close/save 脏部分。 基本上它是为了删除默认的关闭 eclipse e4 对话框。



自定义 IWindowCloseHandler 工作正常(就对话框而言)但自定义 ISaveHandler 不行。 returns Whosebug 错误定义如下:

public boolean save(MPart dirtyPart, boolean confirm) {
    EPartService partService = dirtyPart.getContext().get(EPartService.class);
    //Try to close the part and save the document to disc by 
    //calling the @Persist method
    return partService.savePart(dirtyPart, confirm);


我附上了完整的 LifeCycleManager class:

public class LifeCycleManager {
@Inject IEventBroker eventBroker;

public void processAdditions(MApplication application, EModelService modelService){
     MWindow window =(MWindow)modelService.find("application-trimmedwindow", application);
                          new AppStartupCompleteEventHandler(window, modelService, application));
public class AppStartupCompleteEventHandler implements EventHandler {
    private MWindow theWindow;
    private MApplication app;
    private ISaveHandler saveHandler;

    AppStartupCompleteEventHandler(MWindow window, EModelService modelService, MApplication application){
        theWindow = window;
        app = application;

    public void handleEvent(Event event) {
        theWindow.getContext().set(ISaveHandler.class, new ISaveHandler() {
            public boolean save(MPart dirtyPart, boolean confirm) {
                System.out.println("PARTE PARA SALVAR..." + dirtyPart.getLabel());
                EPartService partService = dirtyPart.getContext().get(EPartService.class);
                return partService.savePart(dirtyPart, confirm);
                //return true;

            public boolean saveParts(Collection<MPart> dirtyParts, boolean confirm) {
                return false;
            public Save promptToSave(MPart dirtyPart) {
                return promptToSaveDialog(dirtyPart);
            public Save[] promptToSave(Collection<MPart> dirtyParts) {
                return null;
        saveHandler  = (ISaveHandler)theWindow.getContext().get(ISaveHandler.class);
        theWindow.getContext().set(IWindowCloseHandler.class, new IWindowCloseHandler() {
            public boolean close(MWindow window) {
                List<MHandler> listHandlers = window.getHandlers();
                Shell shell = (Shell) window.getWidget();
                if (MessageDialog.openConfirm(shell, "Close Nastran Editor", "Do you really want to close the entire application?")) {
                    Collection<EPartService> allPartServices = getAllPartServices(app);
                    if (containsDirtyParts(allPartServices)) {
                        return iterateOverDirtyParts( allPartServices);
                else {
                    return true;
            return false;
private Collection<EPartService> getAllPartServices(MApplication application) {
    List<EPartService> partServices = new ArrayList<EPartService>();
    EModelService modelService = application.getContext().get(EModelService.class);
    List<MWindow> elements = modelService.findElements(application, MWindow.class, EModelService.IN_ACTIVE_PERSPECTIVE,
            new ElementMatcher(null, MWindow.class, (List<String>) null));
    for (MWindow w : elements) {
        if (w.isVisible() && w.isToBeRendered()) {
            EPartService partService = w.getContext().get(EPartService.class);
            if (partService != null) {
    return partServices;
private boolean containsDirtyParts(Collection<EPartService> partServices) {
    for (EPartService partService : partServices) {
        if (!partService.getDirtyParts().isEmpty()) return true;
    return false;
private  boolean iterateOverDirtyParts(Collection<EPartService> allPartServices) {
    for (EPartService partService : allPartServices) {
        Collection<MPart> dirtyParts = partService.getDirtyParts();
        for(MPart dirtyPart : dirtyParts) {
            switch(saveHandler.promptToSave(dirtyPart)) {
                case NO: break;
                case YES:
          , false);
                case CANCEL:return false;
    return true;
private Save promptToSaveDialog(MPart dirtyPart) {
    MessageDialog dialog = new MessageDialog( (Shell)theWindow.getWidget(), "Save file", null,
            "'"+dirtyPart.getLabel()+"' has been modified. Save changes?", MessageDialog.QUESTION, new String[] { "YES", "NO", "CANCEL" }, 0);
        switch ({
            case 0: return Save.YES;
            case 1: return Save.NO;
            case 2: return Save.CANCEL;
            default:return Save.CANCEL;
}///END of LifeCycleManager

ISaveHandlersave 方法是从 EPartService savePart 方法中调用的,因此您不能再次调用 savePart

相反,您应该只调用部件的 @Persist 方法。所以像:

public boolean save(final MPart dirtyPart, final boolean confirm)
  if (confirm)
     switch (promptToSave(dirtyPart))
       case NO:
         return true;
       case CANCEL:
         return false;
       case YES:

     ContextInjectionFactory.invoke(dirtyPart.getObject(), Persist.class, dirtyPart.getContext());
  catch (final InjectionException ex)
     // TODO ignore or log error

  return true;