Java 中处理组件输入的最佳实践

Best practice of handling input of components in Java

考虑这 3 个处理输入的示例:

public class HandlingInputExampleA
    private Label labelFromOtherClass; //injected by setter/constructor
    private String myText = "hello ";
    private int myInt = 1;

    private void init()
        Button button = new Button();
        button.addClickListener(event -> labelFromOtherClass.setCaption(myText + myInt));

public class HandlingInputExampleB
    private ClickListener inputHandler; //injected by setter/constructor
    private String myText = "hello ";
    private int myInt = 2;

    private void init()
        Button button = new Button();

public class HandlingInputExampleB
    private ClickListener inputHandler; //injected by setter/constructor
    private String myText = "hello ";
    private int myInt = 2;

    private void init()
        Button button = new Button();

public class InputHandlerB implements ClickListener
    private HandlingInputExampleB exampleB; //injected by setter
    private Label label; //injected by setter/constructor

    public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event)
        Button button = event.getButton();
        if( button == exampleB.getButton() )
            label.setCaption(exampleB.getMyText() + exampleB.getMyInt());

public class HandlingInputExampleC
    private ClickListener inputHandler; //injected by setter/constructor
    private String myText = "hello ";
    private int myInt = 2;

    private void init()
        Button button = new Button();

public class InputHandlerC implements ClickListener
    private Label label; //injected by setter/constructor

    public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event)
        Button button = event.getButton();
        if( button.getData() instanceof HandlingInputExampleC )
            HandlingInputExampleC exampleC = (HandlingInputExampleC)button.getData();
            label.setCaption(exampleC.getMyText() + exampleC.getMyInt());

我想我应该在我的项目中保留一种处理输入的方法。大多数时候,我创建一个 class 来处理输入,并在那里注入所有需要的对象,因此与用户输入相关的每个操作都在一个地方进行管理。当然,我的项目越大,输入处理程序 class 就越大,它开始看起来有点乱。也许我错过了更好的解决方案?请告诉我应该避免哪些示例?

这取决于项目的大小以及您需要的 similar/different 个处理程序。 对于一些非常简单的情况,我会选择选项 A,但如果您几乎没有类似的处理程序,则最好提取到新的 class.

例如,如果文本 "exampleC.getMyText() + exampleC.getMyInt()" 在执行过程中没有改变,我更愿意:

public class HandlingInputExample {
    private ClickListener inputHandler; //injected by setter/constructor
    private String myText = "hello ";
    private int myInt = 2;

    private void init() {
        Button button = new Button();
        button.addClickListener(new SetCaptionClickListener(example.getMyText() + example.getMyInt()));

public class SetCaptionClickListener implements ClickListener {
    private Label label; //injected by setter/constructor
    private String caption;

    public SetCaptionClickListener(String caption) {
        this.caption = caption;

    public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {


public class HandlingInputExample {
    private ClickListener inputHandler; //injected by setter/constructor
    private String myText = "hello ";
    private int myInt = 2;

    private void init() {
        Button button = new Button();
        button.addClickListener(new SetCaptionClickListener(new Context(this)));

public class SetCaptionClickListener implements ClickListener {
    private Label label; //injected by setter/constructor
    private Context context;

    public SetCaptionClickListener(Context context) {
        this.context = context;

    public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {

public class Context {
    HandlingInputExample handlingInputExample;

    public Context(handlingInputExample handlingInputExample) {
        this.handlingInputExample = handlingInputExample;

    public String getCaption() {
        return handlingInputExample.getMyText() + handlingInputExample.getMyInt();