如何在grails 3中异步上传文件

How to upload file asynchronously in grails 3

我是 grails 框架的新手,我遇到了以下问题:

  1. 我想上传包含文件和一些详细信息(如标题、说明)的项目,并且我有非常大的 stl 3d 文件。虽然文件上传需要时间,但我希望用户进入下一页并填写项目的其余详细信息,如标题描述等。

我不知道我将如何做到这一点..我看过 grails ynch 编程,但我不知道如何实现它。



I included an onchange attribute on the file input that, when a file was selected, would call a javascript function to validate and upload the file asynchronously.


<input type="file" name="uploadMedical" id="uploadMedical" onchange="validateAndUpload(this, $(this));" accept=".pdf,.jpg,.jpeg" multiple>

JavaScript (我已尽力去除与您的问题无关的代码,但仍留下足够的代码来帮助解决您的问题):

function validateAndUpload(input, documentInput){
    var uploadForm = $("#uploadForm");

    // Stop the browser from submitting the form.
    uploadForm.submit(function(event) {

    // Get the selected files from the input.
    var files = input.files;

    // Create a new FormData object.
    var formData = new FormData();

    // Loop through each of the selected files.
    for (var ii = 0; ii < files.length; ii++) {
        var file = files[ii];

        // Add the file to the request.
        formData.append('supportingDocumentation', file, file.name);

    //Include ID of record to associate this upload with
    formData.append('id', getAppealId());

    // Submit the form using AJAX.
        type: 'POST',
        dataType : "html",
        url: url_str,
        data: formData,
        processData: false,
        contentType: false,
            //indicate that the file is uploading
            //display the new list of files on the page
            //indicate that the upload failed
            //reset the file input so more files can be uploaded