如何在 R 中使用 curve() 对图形进行着色

How to shade a graph using curve() in R


curve(dnorm(x), from=-4, to=4, 
  main = "The Standard Normal Distibution", 
  ylab = "Probability Density",
  xlab = "X")



colorArea <- function(from, to, density, ..., col="blue", dens=NULL){
    y_seq <- seq(from, to, length.out=500)
    d <- c(0, density(y_seq, ...), 0)
    polygon(c(from, y_seq, to), d, col=col, density=dens)


curve(dnorm(x), from=-4, to=4, 
  main = "The Standard Normal Distibution", 
  ylab = "Probability Density",
  xlab = "X")

colorArea(from=-4, to=qnorm(0.025), dnorm)
colorArea(from=qnorm(0.975), to=4, dnorm, mean=0, sd=1, col=2, dens=20)

我们也可以使用以下 R 代码,以便将标准正态曲线下的区域遮蔽在某个(给定的)分位数以下:

z <- seq(-4,4,0.01)
fz <- dnorm(z)
q <- qnorm(0.1) # the quantile
x <- seq(-4, q, 0.01)
y <- c(dnorm(x), 0, 0)
x <- c(x, q, -4)
ggplot() + geom_line(aes(z, fz)) +
           geom_polygon(data = data.frame(x=x, y=y), aes(x, y), fill='blue')