如何使用 R e1071 SVM 多类测试数据

How to test data with R e1071 SVM multiclass

我第一次使用 R 和 e1071 包和 SVM 多类!那我很困惑。目标是:如果我有一个带有sunny的句子;它将被分类为"yes"句;如果我有一个带云的句子,它会被分类为"maybe",如果我有一个带雨的句子; il 将被分类为广告 "no"。真正的目标是为我的研究做一些文本分类。



                  V1    V2
1              sunny   yes
2        sunny sunny   yes
3  sunny rainy sunny   yes
4  sunny cloud sunny   yes
5              rainy    no
6        rainy rainy    no
7  rainy sunny rainy    no
8  rainy cloud rainy    no
9              cloud maybe
10       cloud cloud maybe
11 cloud rainy cloud maybe
12 cloud sunny cloud maybe


1  sunny
2  rainy
3  hello
4  cloud
5      a
6      b
7  cloud
8      d
9      e
10     f
11     g
12 hello

按照鸢尾花数据集的例子 (https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/e1071/e1071.pdf and http://rischanlab.github.io/SVM.html) 我创建了我的模型,然后以这种方式测试训练数据:

> library(e1071)
> train <- read.csv(file="C:/Users/Stef/Desktop/train.csv", sep = ";", header = FALSE)
> test <- read.csv(file="C:/Users/Stef/Desktop/test.csv", sep = ";", header = FALSE)
> attach(train)
> x <- subset(train, select=-V2)
> y <- V2
> model <- svm(V2 ~ ., data = train, probability=TRUE)
> summary(model)

svm(formula = V2 ~ ., data = train, probability = TRUE)

   SVM-Type:  C-classification 
 SVM-Kernel:  radial 
       cost:  1 
      gamma:  0.08333333 

Number of Support Vectors:  12

 ( 4 4 4 )

Number of Classes:  3 

 maybe no yes

> pred <- predict(model,x)
> system.time(pred <- predict(model,x))
   user  system elapsed 
      0       0       0 
> table(pred,y)
pred    maybe no yes
  maybe     4  0   0
  no        0  4   0
  yes       0  0   4
> pred
    1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12 
  yes   yes   yes   yes    no    no    no    no maybe maybe maybe maybe 
Levels: maybe no yes

我认为到现在为止还可以。 现在的问题是:测试数据呢?我没有找到任何测试数据。然后,我想也许我应该用测试数据来测试模型。我这样做了:

> test
1  sunny
2  rainy
3  hello
4  cloud
5      a
6      b
7  cloud
8      d
9      e
10     f
11     g
12 hello
> z <- subset(test, select=V1)
> pred <-predict(model,z)
Error in predict.svm(model, z) : test data does not match model !

这里有什么问题?你能解释一下如何使用旧的火车模型测试新数据吗? 谢谢


这是每个文件 .csv 的前 5 行

> head(train,5)
                 V1  V2
1             sunny yes
2       sunny sunny yes
3 sunny rainy sunny yes
4 sunny cloud sunny yes
5             rainy  no
> head(test,5)
1 sunny
2 rainy
3 hello
4 cloud
5     a

我认为问题可能出在子集函数的 select 参数上 - 如果您只执行 pred<-predict(model,test) 会发生什么?很难判断您的原始数据是两列(V1、V2)还是最多四列。由于您 trained/initialized 具有 data=train 的模型,我认为预测测试而不是子集(测试,)应该可以解决问题。

即使测试集中的行数与训练 SVM 的行数不同,Predict 也可以在 SVM 上工作……这应该是微不足道的。类似于:

test.preds<-predict(some.svm, test)
misclassification.rate<-mean(test.preds != test$V2)


#sample data
train_data <- data.frame(V1 = c("sunny","sunny sunny","rainy","rainy rainy","cloud","cloud cloud"),
                         V2= c("yes","yes","no","no","maybe","maybe"))
test_data <- data.frame(V1 = c("sunny","rainy","hello","cloud"))

#fix levels in train_data & test_data dataset before running model
train_data$ind <- "train"
test_data$ind <- "test"
merged_data <- rbind(train_data[,-grep("V2", colnames(train_data))],test_data)
#train data
train <- merged_data[merged_data$ind=="train",]
train$V2 <- train_data$V2
train <- train[,-grep("ind", colnames(train))]
#test data
test <- merged_data[merged_data$ind=="test",]
test <- data.frame(V1 = test[,-grep("ind", colnames(test))])

#svm model
svm_model <- svm(V2 ~ ., data = train, probability=TRUE)
train_pred <- predict(svm_model,train["V1"])

#prediction on test data
test$test_pred <- predict(svm_model,test)
