
SQL: How do I group by a unique combination of two columns?



| text                                            | from_user_id | to_user_id |
| Hi there!                                       |           13 |         14 | <- Liara to Penelope
| Oh hi, how are you?                             |           14 |         13 | <- Penelope to Liara
| Fine, thanks for asking. How are you?           |           13 |         14 | <- Liara to Penelope
| Could not be better! How are things over there? |           14 |         13 | <- Penelope to Liara
| Hi, I just spoke to Penelope!                   |           13 |         15 | <- Liara to Zara
| Oh you did? How is she?                         |           15 |         13 | <- Zara to Liara
| Liara told me you guys texted, how are things?  |           15 |         14 | <- Zara to Penelope
| Fine, she's good, too                           |           14 |         15 | <- Penelope to Zara


SELECT text, from_user_id, to_user_id,created FROM message 
WHERE from_user_id=13 or to_user_id=13
GROUP BY from_user_id, to_user_id


| text                          | from_user_id | to_user_id | created             |
| Oh you did? How is she?       |           15 |         13 | 2017-09-01 21:45:14 | <- received by Liara
| Hi, I just spoke to Penelope! |           13 |         15 | 2017-09-01 21:44:51 | <- send by Liara
| Oh hi, how are you?           |           14 |         13 | 2017-09-01 17:06:53 |
| Hi there!                     |           13 |         14 | 2017-09-01 17:06:29 |


| text                          | from_user_id | to_user_id | created             |
| Oh you did? How is she?       |           15 |         13 | 2017-09-01 21:45:14 | <- Last message of conversation with Zara
| Oh hi, how are you?           |           14 |         13 | 2017-09-01 17:06:53 |


编辑: 使用 leastgreatest 也不会导致所需的结果。 它确实对条目进行了正确分组,但正如您在结果中看到的那样,最后一条消息不正确。

| id | text                                            | read | created             | from_user_id | to_user_id |
|  8 | Oh you did? How is she?                         | No   | 2017-09-01 21:45:14 |           15 |         13 |
|  5 | Could not be better! How are things over there? | No   | 2017-09-01 17:07:47 |           14 |         13 |

做你想做的事情的一种方法是使用相关子查询,找到为匹配对话创建的最小值 date/time:

FROM message m
WHERE 13 in (from_user_id, to_user_id) AND
      m.created = (SELECT MAX(m2.created)
                   FROM message m2
                   WHERE (m2.from_user_id = m.from_user_id AND m2.to_user_id = m.to_user_id) OR
                         (m2.from_user_id = m.to_user_id AND m2.to_user_id = m.from_user_id) 
ORDER BY m.created DESC

我使用 GREATESTLEAST 为每个对话创建一个 grp。然后对该 grp 进行排序并根据时间分配行号。


        SELECT LEAST(`from_user_id`, `to_user_id`) as L,
               GREATEST(`from_user_id`, `to_user_id`) as G,
               CONCAT (LEAST(`from_user_id`, `to_user_id`), '-', GREATEST(`from_user_id`, `to_user_id`)) as grp,
               @rn := if(@grp = CONCAT(LEAST(`from_user_id`, `to_user_id`), '-', GREATEST(`from_user_id`, `to_user_id`)),
                         @rn + 1,
                         if(@grp := CONCAT(LEAST(`from_user_id`, `to_user_id`), '-', GREATEST(`from_user_id`, `to_user_id`)), 1, 1)
                         ) as rn,
        FROM Table1
        CROSS JOIN (SELECT @rn := 0, @grp := '') as var
        ORDER BY LEAST(`from_user_id`, `to_user_id`),
                 GREATEST(`from_user_id`, `to_user_id`),
                 `time` DESC
     ) T
WHERE rn = 1;


编辑:最后你需要从对话中过滤掉 13。

WHERE rn = 1
  AND 13 IN (`L`, `G`);

与#13 的最后一次对话?在更新的 DBMS 中,您将使用 row_number() 来查找这些。在 MySQL 中你可以使用 not exists,以确保对话伙伴没有更晚的 post。顺便说一句,您可以使用 from_user_id + to_user_id - 13 轻松找到合作伙伴的号码。 (而当比较两条记录时,你可以直接使用from_user_id + to_user_id。)

select text, from_user_id, to_user_id, created
from message m1
where 13 in (from_user_id, to_user_id)
and not exists
  select *
  from message m2
  where 13 in (m2.from_user_id, m2.to_user_id)
  and m2.from_user_id + m2.to_user_id = m1.from_user_id + m1.to_user_id
  and m2.created > m1.created