在 Python 中获取物理屏幕尺寸

Getting Physical Screen Size in Python

我制作了一个工作程序,其中使用了 pygame window。我在pygamewindow有一张图片背景。该程序记录了鼠标被点击的位置以及何时被释放。它以像素为单位输出距离。我希望程序以英寸为单位输出距离。有没有办法获得任何屏幕或监视器的物理和像素大小? windows 内的近乎普遍性是我的程序的要求。

import pygame, sys, math

LEFT = 1
pos1x = 0
pos2x = 0
pos1y = 0
pos2y = 0

running = True
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((1200, 1000))

back_image = pygame.image.load("Monte_Alban.jpg")
screen.blit(back_image, [0,0])
while running:

 event = pygame.event.poll()
 if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
     running = False

 elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.button == LEFT:
     pos1x,pos1y = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
 elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP and event.button == LEFT:
     pos2x,pos2y = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
     distx = abs(pos2x-pos1x)
     disty = abs(pos2y-pos1y)
     print ("Horizontal distane equals: %d" % distx)
     print ("Vertical distance equals: %d" % disty)


info = pygame.display.Info()
width = info.current_w
height = info.current_h

至于实物尺寸,是拿不到的。但是,您可以从显示器的像素密度中推断出来。然而,该信息也是无法获得的,除非你愿意使用 win32 API,特别是 GetDpiForMonitor function. There are plenty of resources out there on how to utilize win32 functions in python. This 线程应该让你开始。